Kilmers Invade Paris June 2019 Part Three

June 26, 2019!

Another adventure in Paris!

We hopped on the Metro and trekked off to the Cinematheque Francaise. David really wanted to go to their bookstore. We had to sit and wait for the bookstore to open (they seemed to keep their own hours, like most bookstores in France.) The museum itself was closed that day but it was nice to wait in where it was air conditioned for over an hour.

Someone lucked out and found three, very big, very heavy film books: Chris Marker, Children of Paradise and a film quote book that he now had to lug around in his backpack in one hundred degree heat but he was happy!
David looks up at Buster Keaton.
Two dorks, one of whom is holding the camera way too close! She was excited over the street name!
Director of Le Grande Illusion, one of my all time favorite films!
We're enjoying finding street names. Can we live on Rue Orson Welles?

We crossed the street and went into a mall to pick up our tickets for the Musee Orsay and the Rodin Museum (I purchased them ahead of time and it was MUCH cheaper to pick them up at a kiosk.)
We visited Paris in the middle of a heatwave. It was so hot. Starbucks had ice and cold drinks and a bathroom.
Following our handmade map in search of more bookstores! Enjoying Paris and her many discoveries that awaited us.

We walked by The Centre Pompidou on our way to a poster store where I found old handwritten French postcards. I was very happy with my small purchase.
Walked by a cinema and noticed a sign saying, "DARIO ARGENTO."


WHAT'S the date?


Is it sold out?!


We each buy a book (Horror and Fear.) It's still a few hours to go. We know how things can be for directors and book signings in Los Angeles. We decide to run and eat and then come back to wait. It's not like that in Paris (laughing... at least not that much!) We are so excited to have found a signing with a director whose work we love in Paris!
It was boiling hot. The closest (and most affordable place) was an American diner, Breakfast in America with plenty of ice water, milkshakes AND veggie burgers! It was so nice to sit, watch the Parisians and cool down a bit.
We found a park near the bookstore to sit and wait. We didn't want to be too early. We could see the front door from where we sat, made duck faces and talked French to the pigeons.
First cinephiles in line for Argento!
"Pour?", asks Argento. We don't like to get our books personalized (it's a long story) so I always get uncomfortable having to explain. People instantly think you're going to sell it on Ebay (we're not.)
I asked Argento if he had plans to come back to Los Angeles. He told us September (2019) which, alas, didn't happen.
Wow! This line reminds us of home!
We finally had figured out to buy round trip train tickets in the morning (the machines wouldn't take our credit cards. I had to go to the window and ask, "Bonjour! Parlez vouz Anglais?")
I think I gasped when we walked out of the train station and saw these. David instantly thought of Jean Luc Godard, which was a fitting end for our day.

Previous Adventures Found Here:


Durfort, France
Durfort, France Part Une

Auvers sur Oise, France
Auvers sur Oise, France Part Une
Auvers sur Oise, France Part Deux
Auvers sur Oise, France Part Trois
Auvers sur Oise, France Part Quatre aka the Flowers of Auvers

London, U.K.
London June 7th and 8th
Vincent at the National Gallery London
The EY Exhibit Van Gogh and Britain
