Dear Vincent: A Project Following in the Footsteps of Van Gogh

First few pages of Meditations on the Journey, the 82 page PDF book:

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Journey with me in a project years in the making.

Dear Vincent

Updated November 27, 2019:

I have a handful of printed card decks available.

Added: an 82 page PDF book: Meditations on the Journey, part travelogue, part memoir, part meditations on a journey and part art workshop!


I've finished the project and the reproductions are now in my hands! I am over the moon at the quality of the reproductions:

The book set (2 books!)

The postcard set (40 cards!):

The Dear Vincent Project has been brewing deep inside of me for a few years now and it's finally ready. It's a two part project, the first half is already completed (two journals combined into one book that is a study of his work.) 

Now it's time for the second half!

Standing in my kitchen, Vincent's work surrounds me. My walls are covered in his work. 

The realization that I stood and walked where he worked... that I ran my hands along the walls of his neighborhood... That i tucked flower petals from his streets into my journals... none of it has fully hit me yet. It's all still surreal and dream-like. 

I've traveled across the U.S. and Europe to see hundreds of his paintings, drawings and letters in person. I've walked where he lived and worked. I slept near where he died. I spent three weeks absorbing as much of his life as possible. I've read and studied shelves of books written about him as well as his letters.

I want to share what I've seen and experienced through my art journals and postcards.

I began these postcards before the trip. My goal is to now share what I've seen and experienced. I want to transcribe my experiences both visually as well as in the form of reproduced written postcards. These will be signed, numbered, extremely limited and will not be reprinted. 

Will you help me?

Experience my journey through paper, paint and pen as I dig into the life and work of my favorite artist. See how his words and art have affected my own work and life.

Will you join me on this journey?

Two weeks before my trip, I began my letters to Vincent series. Before, during, and after the trip, I created a series of postcards in response to my travels. The postcards will be reproduced in full color on high quality paper.


Please note prices shown are for US shipping only. Outside of the U.S. and interested? Drop me an email at

1. Dear Vincent Deck of Cards

In 2014, I self published my first deck of cards (here's a link to that deck to give you an idea.) Folks have been asking me to create an additional series since then. There are 40 double sided cards in this deck. I  created these cards before, during and after my journey following in the footsteps of Van Gogh. The front of the card is a journal page (done postcard style) and the back is my, "Dear Vincent" project:  journal entries done postcard style (minus the address part so I can squeeze more text in.) 

SPECIAL SURPRISE BONUS: Meditations on the Journey, an 82 page PDF book that is part travelogue, part memoir, part meditations on a journey and part art workshop! 

Dear Vincent Project Deck of Cards-printed + PDF file + 82 page bonus book, Meditations on the Journey
$45 plus $5 US Shipping


2. Dear Vincent book PRINTED FORM-SOLD OUT

3. Digital Offerings of the book and deck of cards (Will be sent as a pdf link via email.)

SPECIAL SURPRISE BONUS: Meditations on the Journey, an 82 page PDF book that is part travelogue, part memoir, part meditations on a journey and part art workshop! 
Both the book and cards together as DIGITAL PDF

LIMITED Exclusive Offerings:

These are limited, signed and numbered. They will not be reprinted. 

Will you join me in this once in a life time journey? 

As always, thank you for your interest and support!


wish I could,but starting a new job Monday and won't get paid until August2