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Painting by the season?
Painting by the Season is like eating by the seasons: you are inspired by the colors, images and things that surround you. It is embracing the every day and learning from it. We will look to nature for ideas and inspiration. We will also learn about other artists and how they are guided by nature and the world around them.
If you paint according to the season, you will have a minimum of one painting a week. After one year, you will have 52 paintings plus full sketchbooks of drawings, paintings, studies and writings.
- The Art Life is here for you to dip in and out of. You can pick and choose what you participate in. You do not have to read or partake in every lesson/session/offering. I'm keeping the price low to make it accessible to more people.
- Everything that is in The Art Life Workshop Library from 2022 will remain there for you to access (over 100 videos at the moment.)
- New material EVERY month to build your skills!

