Pieces of Me: An Artists' Book

I'm excited to announce my first book, Pieces of Me. Yes, after years of wanting to make a book that you can hold in your hands (or read on your e-reader), it's here. It's not a how to or an online class. It's me in journal form. It's a twenty page journal full of raw, honest truths, my truths. These are pages that will not be published on the blog. Above are four sample pages that I hope you enjoy.

You can order a copy in two forms:

1. a physical, hand bound (hand sewn by me) copy of the artists' book (20 full color, high quality pages, paperback)

-#1 also includes a pdf file that's ready to be read now (see below for more info)

-Books will be shipped within 2-3 days of ordering.

-I have a very limited amount of books right now and will replenish stock as needed (I will update this page if and when I run out.)

-SHIPPING: $3 for US customers. For customers outside of the US, please email me as shipping will be additional depending upon where you live based on USPS prices. 

Print Copy + pdf is $25


2. A PDF file that's ready to be read NOW on your computer, e-reader or even smartphone. Along with that pdf file you will receive a link to a ready to print pdf file for those of you interested in printing out your own copy. 

If the above paypal buttons do not work for you or you have any questions or concerns, please email me at EGorey99@sbcglobal.net

For those of you who order, you will receive an email from me with the information that you need to know within 24 hours. Everything is done by hand by me! If it's not in your inbox, please check your spam box. If it's not there, please send me an email. Thanks!

Thank you for your interest!


WOW! That is wonderful Kelly! One day if will join one of your workshops and buy a copy of your book - I'm sure its a visual FEAST for the eyes and soul =-)
Mikki said…
Congratulations, Kelly! A courageous and humungus accomplishment!! Bravo.
Barbara Hagerty said…
I am so excited! Got mine the minute I saw your Facebook post! Hooooray! XOXO
Kara Bay said…
Congratulations, Kelly! I can't wait to see it. I immediately ordered the pdf version, since I am sadly no longer allowed to accumulate books - not even awesome ones.
rscoach said…
Mazel Tov, Kelly!!!!! So excited for you - just ordered a hard copy - can't wait to see it in December - so happy for you - xoxo
Desert Mermaid said…
Kelly Kelly KELLY!!!!

in three words: OH HELL YEA!

I just ordered my printed copy.

Hugs and congrats and all rights and amens to you!

Judy Shea said…
Kelly.. I know we havn't communicated in a few year.. but this is freeeeking awesome. Congratulations, girl. So happy for you. Hard work pays off.
Roseann Cazares said…
Hi Kel,
It is way, way time! Thank you for the beautiful card and book! What a great surprise to come home to. Lots of love and congratulations.
Hello Kelly - I received the book yesterday in the mail, it is so lovely . . . thank you for sharing these beautiful pieces of yourself with others. The timing of this sweet book was perfect and I look forward to sinking into your images and words in the coming days. The printing of this book is exquisite and the colors are fabulous. Thank you for this work of art.