2018: My Year in Museums and Galleries

In 2018, I was fortunate to travel cross country a few times. Here's what I saw along the way. My goal hadn't changed since 2017. I wanted to see as many Van Gogh paintings as possible. 

In three weeks I managed to see (with thanks to my Mom, my husband, my travels in teaching and my friends who helped me out):

41 paintings by Vincent Van Gogh.
One sketch.
10 museums.
8 states (not including the states it took to drive through to get there.)
6,710 plus miles. 

3 paintings in 2018 prior to this trip.

900 paintings total.
1,100 sketches and drawings.
903 letters.


Wayne Thiebaud: 1958-1968 at Manetti Shrem UC Davis Sacramento

Full Spectrum: Paintings by Raimonds Staprans at San Jose Museum of Art



McNay Art Museum in San Antonio, TX

 A post where I dream about museums...




Unedited Flickr Album with close-up shots and more of the above photos from all of the museums I visited in April and May 2018 for Van Gogh


Van Gogh travels inspired my work 


Erin Currier Las Meninas Blue Rain Gallery in Santa Fe, NM

unedited Blue Rain Gallery


Paul Gauguin and Ruth Asawa at the de Young San Francisco

Unedited de Young

Victor Hugo's Stones to Stains at the Hammer Museum Los Angeles

Unedited Hammer Museum


European Museum Dreams France, Amsterdam and Berlin await me!

Houston, TX

Dreams of Museums Past 

2017 My Year in Museums

My Resource List

Van Gogh Paintings Around the World 

What art museums are on your radar in 2019?


Seth said…
A great, inspirational tour. Thanks.