"Expanding Beyond What We Know We Can Be"

I'm in Sacramento teaching for the weekend. Before our workshops begin, a group of us decided to meet at The Crocker (I *love* this museum. It's my second time here.) I was over the moon when I walked in and found NINE people waiting to explore the museum!! (I can't wait to talk about what we saw together over the weekend!) I definitely left inspired and eager to get messy!

Some of you may know that Corita is one of my biggest influences and inspirations. Her teaching principles as outlined in Jan Steward's wonderful book, Learning by Heart is the Bible of creativity  (in my opinion.) I have referred to it many times over the years. It is my favorite art book and one that should be on the shelf of every artist.

When I found out that the Crocker was having the exhibit of Corita's work, I jumped at the chance to go. Here are some of my favorite pieces from today. Thank you to everyone who came out today and to our wonderful docent guide at The Crocker!

 The funny thing about this piece is that I didn't notice the influence... until the docent said it. Ben Shahn! The moment he said it, I felt as if I had been slapped in the face with a "BUT OF COURSE!" moment. (Artists influencing and inspiring each other yet making it entirely their own...)

I'm sure others can think of additional examples of word art... I'm tired, inspired and off to dream of color and text! Good night from Sacramento.
