
When my Dad died, I threw myself into my work. I'm trying to do the same now. Teaching and making art helps me immensely. It gives me focus and clarity. Folks have asked what they can do to help us. I am teaching this Sunday at DeAnn Singh's Designing Letters Studio in Mar Vista for the first time. Next weekend I am teaching at The Occasional Artist in Glendale, AZ. I am trying to spread the word about those classes.

If you can't make an in person class and want to take an online class, you'll find those along the right hand side of my blog. I also have art books, collage sheetspdf versions of my publications and handmade journals for sale. (I also have little books and collage sheets that I have made while David has been sick called Serenity Books and Serenity Pages. Info on them is here.) Folks keep telling me to worry about David (which I am) but it's very hard not to think about how the rent and the bills are going to be paid. It is hard when you have no savings. It is very hard to ask for help.

We're still in limbo without any definite prognosis yet. The doctors are waiting for David's body to cooperate before they can send a camera in there to see what's going on.

In the meantime, I am trying to get work done when I can. I'm trying not to be afraid and working keeps that fear at bay. I've been taking care of David, being there for Tristan (who, thankfully, can take care of himself except when he's asking me to go get groceries. lol) and when I can, of myself (mostly trying to sleep when I can.) I was able to do some painting yesterday for aseries of little books and collage sheets to sell that I had planned on posting before Valentine'sDay. The painting part is done and I'm hoping to find some more time today to work on them.

My family arrived today which means some much appreciated help.

Thanks for listening.


Mikki said…
You and your family are going through such a difficult time, Kelly. I am keeping you all close in my thoughts and prayers and hoping for the best possible outcome. Take good care of yourself and each other.
Debby said…
I am so sorry to hear that David is still not doing all that well. I hope you can get some good news soon.If I lived in California I would be a regular at your classes. I will keep checking your blog to see when you have some of your new books for sale. I wish you all the best for good news!
trish quilty said…
I am so sorry Kelly & David you are undergoing all this. Hopefully they will be able to help David & things will calm down. Sending my best wishes. Unfortunately it all is part of life.
Jenny Petricek said…
Prayers for comfort and healing for you all! It is truly a miracle how art and the act of creating can keep us going, through all the challenges in life.
Dusty said…
Thinking of you and your family, Kelly.
Sending you much love Kelly- to you and yours -it's been too long since we crafted together
miss you, be strong