It was a "wicked pissa" * Con...
I'm back from that roller coaster ride of 4 days that we know as COMIC CON. The one thing that Con doesn't sell that I wish they would, is new feet. By the end of the first day after running back and forth across the exhibit hall nine million times and then traipsing up to the panels another zillion times and then standing in lines for another ba-jillion times, you need new feet. ;) (Those of you who have been there know exactly what I'm talking about). We won't go into parking (or what a pain in the ass it can be), but they need to figure out a way to sell us new feet.
One of the unique things about Comic Con is that everyone's experience is totally different. The post you will read below is just MY family's experience (seen through MY eyes) of the week. It's an amazing event. 125,000 people attend. What fascinates and astounds me is that several people I know went and I only saw two of them at the show and only once. I saw my sister's brother in law, Andrew, ONCE early in the morning. I saw Carmen at Dark Horse (not including breakfast that we had planned out a week before) ONCE. I never saw Adriane. I never saw the other friends that I knew were there. It's a mammoth event of astounding proportion ;)
Here's a play by play, or rather day by day list of what happened:
Wednesday-rolled into San Diego around 2:50. Checked into our hotel (yay!!) and after dropping off our stuff and freshening up (a MUST for the show), we got into the car again and drove downtown to the San Diego Convention Center. Of course the parking lot under the convention center was already FULL. Luckily, we were able to park in the Petco parking lot right next door.
We picked up our passes (one tiny, minor snafu with them but luckily it was fixed right away-thankfully!!!). We made our way upstairs to the Pro "Lounge" (a nice big room with folding chairs and tables) and proceeded to double check the panels and the booklet for any information or "must see things" that we may have missed via the online site. I also worked in my journals (more to come on those soon). We waited for the doors to open at 6.
I hadn't made up my mind yet 100% about going to the Image booth to get the Tori Amos inspired comic "Comic Book Tattoo". It was the first booth I hit at 6 p.m. I was lucky 13 in line.
6:30 came and "the guy in charge" of selling the book (yeah, the guy who put the whole book together) hadn't shown up yet. 7 p.m. came. Man, this is preview night...the night we spend running around buying the stuff that is on our wish lists that we have been saving our pennies for all year and I'm standing in this long line of now pissed off people. 7:15 comes and he FINALLY shows up. No apologies. Just pure and utter smarmyness which was making me NUTS. I did NOT like his attitude at all. Nor did I like how totally unprepared and unorganized he was. OUR time did not matter. It was ALL about HIM. Then we find out he didn't order the tickets (200 of them) for the Tori signing on Saturday...Then we find out that there are only 3 hardcovers ($50 each) which quickly sell out, several "high end" priced volumes at $150 each and that the paperbacks haven't arrived yet ($30, the one I wanted). It was just one thing after another. I offered some suggestions (so that we wouldn't have to stand there all night) but was looked at like I was an idiot. They finally tore up notebook paper and wrote numbers on them. After standing in line for 90 minutes, I was given #19. WTF? What happened to the #13 that I was before?!?! The more I thought of it, the more pissed off I got (and the higher my blood pressure rose-it was NOT a fun experience at all), I decided I did not want to fork over $30 for something I hadn't seen and just to get a silly autograph...nor did I want to contribute to THIS GUY's project. Nope. So, a woman had come up to me and we had been chatting for a few minutes. After leaving the Image booth, I spotted her on the floor, I went up and gave her the ticket and told her she'd enjoy it more then I would. (I found out on Friday that the books still hadn't shown up. Hmm..interesting...)
Some huge highlights of Preview Night on Wednesday:
One of Tristan's many, many stops at the Cartoon Network booth. He was in high heaven. Here he is with his friend, Chowder:
I also picked up CJ Metzger's book that I truly adore!! It's a gem. The "sisters" (CJ and Miss Mindy) had a very inviting booth. I wish I had had more pennies to scoop up lots of what was in the booth. I love their artwork and style.
David & Tristan went over to the Chronicle Books booth (while I was waiting in line at Image) and picked up James Jean's XOXO book for me. I could babble on for pages about how much I love Jean's work. Another one to look for in your travels...
In my travels on the exhibit hall, I found a Mini Pullip, Froggy (with red hair) that I absolutely fell in love with and *had* to have. A huge bonus was that she was only $10.
Had to stop by the ASFA booth before the hall closed and pick up Dave McKean's Postcards of Paris. I have the other 2 books and they are tiny treasures. I had to restrain myself from buying more at the booth and it is one of my favorites.
I was very happy to have found everything that was on my new "want" list that I had compiled. I was disappointed though in the lack of "old" comics and books that I had been looking for. Every year the list of book dealers on the floor seems to shrink and down size due to the large number of movie related things going on at the exhibit floor.
In addition to the whole Image fiasco, another very big disappointment was when we tried to visit the Stuart Ng booth where we found out that they had a "new system". We have been visiting Stuart Ng for years. It's always David's "first see" booth on preview night. David and Tristan shot off like lightning to the booth while I stood in line. They came back later on and told me the story of how now the booth is sectioned off and you have to actually "check" your backpack in. The backpacks are supposed to be watched over by the attendant who stands near the chained off entrance and decides whether or not you can enter. Unfortunately, Tristan (who was bored out of his skull in the booth) saw that several times she left the area and left the backpacks and purses unattended. Why is it perceived that we are thieves just waiting to steal the books out of their hands??? Why do do we have to be extremely nervous about leaving OUR backpacks and worried that OUR backpacks (with our books and money and things in them) may be stolen?!?!? David couldn't enjoy looking at the books. I didn't want to leave my purse/bag that contained not only my money and personal items but also the books I had bought. It was very upsetting and extremely frustrating. They lost at least 2 sales during the convention (David and me). I'm not there to steal. I'm there to look and (possibly-if they have what I want and I can afford it) buy.
A final highlight of the night was meeting Kim Deitch and Jim Woodring. Kim Deitch was gracious and even drew a sketch in David's book. The funny thing is, he forgot to sign it, so before the signing ended, I ran back to the booth and asked him to sign it. He had put so much attention into the drawing and coloring of the sketch that he just had forgot to add his signature, but he remembered that he had forgotten. It was also extremely cool to meet Jim Woodring. I am still kicking myself for not buying a copy of The Museum of Love and Mystery.
David bought Krazy Kat 2 (he was extremely surprised to find the second volume had been released) and an original newspaper section of The Spirit. He also bought a ton of books and zines from Sparkplug (they had the coolest shit there!!)
Tristan loaded up on freebies from Cartoon Network (including one of 3 Clone Wars masks that he was able to obtain). I swear if the child could have brought his sleeping bag and camped there all weekend he would have. He lives, eats, sleeps and breathes Ben 10. I think if Ben 10 were made into Legos he would explode.
Tristan also bought an Owly hat from Andy Runton. He looks so cute in it. Andy rocks!! He greeted us warmly with a "Hi Tristan!" (He ALWAYS remembers Tristan's name). He asked him how he was doing and talked to him while Tristan bought an Owly hat and some of his new pins.
We made our way out of the hall at 7 p.m. While crossing the street with the thousands of other people (all heading towards food) the people next to us started making "zombie noises" so that was the joke of the week. Every time we walked slow and were stuck in a crowd, Tristan and I would zombie groan. Smart me had phoned Ciro's Pizzeria ahead of time and we zipped in and grabbed our pizza. We also had ice cream at Ghiradelli's (David didn't have to ask me twice).
On our way back to the parking lot, we saw a line of women camped out in front of Hall H, aka Hell Hall. I swear they were in line for Gerard Butler but David thinks they were just in line for Hell Hall and the whole experience. I told him that he has no idea how Butler fans are...NO idea.
Back at the hotel by 10:30 and in bed before midnight. Like Tuesday night, no sleep was had (by me) that night as I laid in bed giddy as a kid on Christmas Eve.
Thursday's highlights:
Woke up bright and early. Drove into the parking structure saying "First person to spot Andrew (my sister's brother in law) wins..." two seconds later, who do we spot walking to find breakfast? Andrew. Had a yummy breakfast at Cafe 222. Got in line and waited.
OH, one of Tristan's yearly "things to do" is to collect pins from the Peanuts booth. He got one for every day (except Sunday as we left :( Saturday night). It was interesting as this year's pins were "Obscure" Peanuts characters.
Our first panel of the weekend was Reinventing the Page with Stan Lee and Grant Morrison. I LOVED every minute of it. Tristan's favorite line was when Stan Lee said to Morrison, "You do all the work. I take all the credit which is what I usually do." They both had us laughing. Lee's hearing aid (that's what it appeared to be) kept falling out. He referred to it as a device to translate Morrison's thick Scottish accent. The panel was supposed to focus on their new comic books...that Lee at age 85 is creating a new line of comics. The panel started with animation for something that Morrison has been working on for Virgin Comics. It was one of the highlights of the week, and one I'm very happy that we attended together.
Another shot of Tristan and his best friend, Ben 10:
Share in the Lynda Barry Love:
After Lynda's signing, David wanted to meet Howard Chaykin. We stood in line at least 45 minutes while Chaykin went from cell phone conversation to being interviewed on camera. The "Fans" stood there patiently waiting while Chaykin spoke to everyone BUT the fans. When it was finally "our turn", he scribbled the worst signature I have ever seen (a line with 2 dots) and didn't even acknowledge us standing there. He signed the cover and not the inside page. David was really pissed 'cause it looks like a 2 year old scribbled on the cover. Thanks Howard. Every time we saw him over the weekend, he was on the damn phone. He also didn't show up at one panels, either. (At the panel they said that he was unable to make it...I saw why-he was at his table on the damn phone.) Note: he did say (though he didn't look at or acknowledge me in any form of eye contact): "Thanks for being patient." (Which is more then what the asshole at Image said Wednesday night as I waited in line for the Tori book.) I bit my tongue as I wanted to say "Thanks for wasting our time."
From 2 to 3, there was a panel Spotlight on Jim Woodring. We sat front row (right in front of him). I loved that the shirt and shoes he was wearing were things that came from his drawings and ideas. I loved the slide show and perfectly narrated presentation (an overview of his life as an artist). I LOVED his wife's hair (when mine loses the red, I want it to look as gorgeous as hers does!!!!). One of Woodring's predictions that night is that we will soon kiss plastic toys good bye and go back to tin (yes!). One of his paintings looked like it was a tin toy just begging to be brought to life. I love this man's work.
After the panel we meandered back to the hall. I was still on Lynda Barry Cloud 9 and decided at 4 to go back to the D & Q booth. She was still there. In fact, she had her purse on her shoulder and was getting ready to leave. I went over to her and just asked her if I could ask her two quick questions. One was about classes in L.A. (that's when she pulled out her date book), letting her know I may have connections (she's looking for any place that could fit at least 50 people...she said she's taught at bars, churches, libraries, etc...). The second question was if she did drawings and if I could buy one from her. She said that I couldn't buy one for her, that Marlys would gladly do one for me. My jaw just hit the ground at that point. My whole Comic Con 2008 experience had just been made. Holy crap. We chatted about collage. She told me how much she loves glitter glue...that she buys the glitter glue and puts elmer's in it so it's thicker. She uses elmer's glue with her collages. It was just a great experience and one that I'll never forget...and one that I totally appreciate. I LOVE LYNDA BARRY!!!!! (Go get her books and you will too). (Huge thanks to my friend Megan who introduced me to Lynda's work in High school by giving me a Marlys book as a Christmas present.)
Check out how cool her ring is:
We also delighted in meeting Super Spy artist and creator, Matt Kindt. We had held off on buying his book last year in hopes that we would meet him in our travels. Sure enough, he was at Con this year-yes!
At the Sunday Press booth, who did I see, but Keith Knight!!! I told him, "I don't want to be rude, but I just have to tell you that I love your work." He said "I wish more people were rude like you..." ;) I'd show you the picture, but at the angle David snapped it, it doesn't look good...(trust me, it's here's my boobs and Keith Knight).
We left Con a wee bit before 7. Our feet were killing us and we were hungry and tired. We made our way up the street and found The Whiskey Girl where we collapsed into a booth. (How many bars have you been into that play not only sports and music videos but also have a TV with Cartoon Network on??)
It was a great chance to catch up and see how she was enjoying the Con. I had run into her and Steve the previous day at the Darkhorse booth, where I was a woman on a mission (looking for the new Creepy publication that they didn't have-grrr...). Huge thanks Carmen for a fun morning!! It was a yummy breakfast. Tristan got a good giggle seeing his one of his favorite writers Greg Farshtey trudging up the stairs from the restaurant. I got a good laugh watching David eyeball Eddie Campbell. I finally had to ask him "What the hell are you looking at??" when I noticed his eyes going to a certain spot. (I didn't want to turn around). He said "I think that's Eddie Campbell over there." At which point, Eddie got up and left. Lucky David was sitting across the table as I wanted to smack him on the back of the head. Talk about a DUH moment!
I was thrilled that Carmen had a chance to see Comic Con through new eyes and found some cool goodies!!!! I hope that Steve got to do what he wanted to see and do on Friday-he had a busy, full schedule!!!! (Carmen, let me know!! :)).
After Tristan picked up his Peanuts pins, we headed over to the Top Shelf booth as Tristan wanted to buy an Owly sketch from Andy Runton. While Tristan and I waited and talked to Andy, David snapped a picture of Neal Adams (our damn camera isn't fast enough and it missed Neal sticking his tongue out making a funny face)-one helluva an amazing artist and just a nice guy. The neat thing was that David wasn't standing right in front of his booth but from a distance. Adams noticed David standing there trying to take the picture and posed for him. (David was trying to be discreet). So, for Adams to do that and make the face, cracked us up....
Andy Runton drew Owly as Spock and Wormy as Kirk for Tristan. Tristan was very very happy that he able to obtain an original Owly drawing!! (Note: Eddie Campbell in the background-"Hi Eddie!") Thank you Andy!!!!
While there I chatted with Andy and one of the New England Comics guys showed up. One of them made a comment about Boston and I said "Don't go knocking Boston..." Ends up the guy was from Boston (worked at NEC). He was frigging hysterical telling me how when Andy was there for Free Comic Book Day that they taught him how to speak "Bostonian" things like: wicked cool, wicked pissa, rehtahded, etc... He walked away telling me to have a "Wicked pissa Con..."
Eddie Campbell again:
Another wicked pissa booth is New England Comics(Home of the TICK): Here's Tristan and Brian Miller:
Tristan and I tried to attend the Powerpuff Girls 10th Anniversary and Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends panel, but the line was ridiculous and by 11:30, we still weren't inside. David left to go to the Spotlight on Jim Starlin panel. Tristan and I decided we weren't getting into the panel and thought we'd be better off going downstairs to the booth to wait in line. Lucky we did! We ended up being first in a very long line. Tristan was thrilled and ecstatic to meet the Powerpuff girls' voices and their creators.
Did I mention that my child lives, eats, sleeps and breathes Ben 10? Here he is meeting the men from Man of Action (Creators of Ben 10):
2:00 came and I met up with David (who took Tristan and went to the Spirit Preview which I already mentioned here). I had been waiting at AA-1 for an hour to meet Jim Starlin, Bernie Wrightson, Mike W. Barr and Len Wein. Little did I realize that there are TWO AA-1s! One is Autograph Alley and one is Artist Alley! I was in the wrong damn one! I found out just in time and I scooted upstairs in time to meet Jim Starlin (Wrightson was a no show and I didn't have anything for Wein or Barr to sign as we didn't know they'd be there!!!).
3 pm came and with it, the Spotlight on Lynda Barry! YES! I scored a front row seat right in front of her. It was one of the best panels I have ever been to. You couldn't tell (unless you were sitting right in front of her and saw her hands shaking) how nervous Lynda was. She was AMAZING. She started off singing to us (telling us it was the scariest thing to do in front of a group of people (I have to agree with her there). I won't spoil it but she does talk about some of the things she talks about in her workshop (which I can't wait for!!). She was funny as hell and I am very, very happy that I was able to attend her panel. One note, remember the teacher in the back of the What It Is book? Mrs. Doris Mitchell? Doris never traveled. So, Lynda wears her clothes when she travels. How utterly cool is that???
I snapped this for David:
While David attended Spotlight on Al Feldstein and the Spotlight on Bernie Wrightson panels, I took Tristan back to Cartoon Network for the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends signing. The BEST thing about the signing (well, it was all good!) was a little boy in line in front of Tristan. The kid had to be about 4 or so. He had a funny look on his face seeing all of the people at the booth..then Tom Kenny started doing the voice of Spongebob for the little kid and the kid got a "hey! I know that voice but that doesn't look like Spongebob..." then he did the Powerpuff Girls' Narrator and then Eguardo from Foster's. Keith Ferguson was cracking the kid up doing the voice of Bloo.
I showed up at 6:00, just in time for the second half of the Kim Deitch panel. I was happy that I was able to see a little of it (frustrating as most of the "good panels" -for us- were on Friday).
Frank Miller's opening speech, telling the artists not to worry and focus on movie deals, toy deals and video games, but to focus on the ART and on the COMICS.
The Reno 911 guys and the George Foreman grill (for those who didn't win an Eisner):
wins again!
5 wins (we're in search of it now!!):
Holy Shit! Samuel Jackson was there!!!
Ann Marie Fleming and Rutu Modan:
Saturday, our Final Day of Con 2008:
From the Petco Parking Garage, the line for Hell Hall, Hall H:
We attempted the Peanuts Scavenger hunt. I swear I was going to have a heart attack by the time we got back to the booth (we weren't running but walking really fast). They told us we were the 51st person and gave us a consellation prize. Tristan did get his daily Peanuts pin. We walked around the hall for a bit, finishing up our shopping. I bought two neat zines from Grasshut. I also bought the Brandon Boyd, White Fluffy Clouds, book from Murphy Design that I was missing (Yay!)
Tristan stood in line to try to buy the Indiana Jones Exclusive Comic Con 2008 set only to find out it was $50 and not $20 like he was expecting. He was very disappointed (he decided he wasn't buying it, not us... Most legos that have 200 pieces retail for $20 but in his words, that lego set was a rip off for $50! This coming from the mouth of a Lego Nut.)
We were pretty done with shopping.
Tristan and I attended the Ben 10: Alien Force and The Secret Saturdays Sneak Peek. I thought Secret Saturdays looks like Herculoids and the stuff I grew up watching...Tristan thought it looked cool. I thought the best thing about the Ben 10 panel were the kids asking questions. The kids asked very intelligent questions while the adults asked stupid ones. You could tell that the kids were paying attention to the show. My favorite question was of the little girl who asked about the episode where Kevin 11 has a kid...The producer of the show told her the answer to that one was on a different panel, like the Juno Panel. It was cute. The kids were great.
David attended the Ralph Bakshi panel (bummed I missed this!!). He loved it. He started the panel 15 minutes early and left 15 minutes early asking the audience, "Is it okay if I go now?" I'm still bumming that I missed this...We met after the panels and tried to get into the 50th Anniversary Famous Monsters panel and the room was filled to capacity (another bummer!)
We walked around the hall some more and I missed seeing Christian Bale to take Tristan to the Ben 10 signing at Cartoon Network. It was worth it, as we missed the Maxwell Atoms signing. The closed the line. We hung around waiting to get into the Ben 10 signing. Maxwell left the booth and I saw some kids standing around talking to him and he was signing autographs outside the booth. I told Tristan to go over (while I held his place in line) and ask him for an autograph. Tristan went up to Maxwell with his Cartoon Network notebook and a pen and asked him, and guess what?!? He DID! Tristan was totally floored!!! I can't tell you how happy all of the people at Cartoon Network (from the shows and the people at the booth) made him-some of them went above and beyond the call of duty. They have TWO fans for life. Very, very cool indeed. And (YES!), I'm also a Maxwell Atoms fan. YES!
The Ben 10 Alien Force people were also very cool. Greg Cipes kept handing Tristan freebies which was really very cool (he's the voice of Kevin 11).
Tristan was psyched to meet Ben Edlund, creator of the Tick (one of our favorite cartoons and comics).
The COOLEST thing was that we stopped at the Cartoon Network booth, I asked one of the guys (whom Tristan had been speaking with about Ben 10) if there was any way Tristan could *please* get a keychain from Sunday (of the show Chowder), that we wouldn't be here. He said he didn't know, but that he would try to get us one. He slipped into the back and came out with a keychain in his hand and put it in mine. I wanted to hug him!! Tristan was SO very, very happy!!!!!!
Before we left, we saw Matt Groening walking the floor. Tristan ran up to him and asked him if he would sign his book (remember, this is an 11 year old kid). Matt said no, that if he did a crowd would form. Tristan was disappointed, but what can you do?
Funny thing, before we left, we headed back to the Pro Lounge so David could get some quick work done on the laptop. Who was sitting right behind us? Ray Bradbury. Yup. Good ol' Ray (whose encounter last year with us was not so pleasant). I was polite and ignored him.
Walking out of Comic Con, I ran into my New England Comics "friend". I told him (as he walked by) to have a "Wicked Pissa Con" which made him ROAR with laughter. It was great walking out of Con to the sound of someone laughing his ass off.
Here's my stash and the highlights:
And my greatest treasure:
How many days until Comic Con 2009???
(* Translation of "wicked pissa" for those of you who don't know, it's a good thing. More on how to speak Bostonian here.)
Thanks for the report and the photos, I feel like I was there too, only my feet don't hurt. Hope yours feel much better soon.
Ha ha ha. It was a joke between the 3 of us that I guess some people didn't get.