Tomorrow, we'll be heading off to San Diego Nerd Fest, Geek Fest, Comic Love Fest, Movie Hawk it Sell It All Fest, San Diego Hates Comic Con People Fest, Holy fucking shit Lynda Barry will be there Love Fest, aka COMIC CON.

Yes, I know. I did bitch and whine and swore up and down, left to right that I would NOT ever NOT use a backpack again. Yet, here we are a year later and David gets the Holy Grail of Backpacks (aka my Eddie Bauer backpack) and I get this yummy, luscious bag that I bought at Arte Cantera in Santa Ana. My back will probably be killing me by Friday night, but I will be styling!!

I'll be bringing the crap that is usually in my purse. I'm also bringing WHAT IT IS for when I stalk, I mean see, Lynda Barry. For the time we spend "waiting" I will be bringing a glue stick, 3 uniballs (1 fine black, 1 broad tip black, and one broad tip white), my latte pens, a small ziploc bag of 'focal images' and stickers and a small wet ones container of background papers. To hold the pens, papers and the little books I am bringing to work on, I am using a book bra holder that my friend Carmen gave me. It's fully functional and fun!

Inside, said wet ones container:

The ziploc bag open:

The ziploc bag spills some of it's secrets:

I will show you the books I have been working in (and will work on at Comic Con) when I get home. They're going to be a brand, spanking new class that I am eager to share!!!

What will I be buying at Comic Con?? The following 4 are on my "must have" list at the moment:

CJ Metzger's The Secret Lives of Dolls:

James Jean's XOXO:

Dave McKean's Postcard from Paris
Eddie Campbell's Amazing Remarkable Monsieur Leotard:

If possible, I will blog from Comic Con. If not, I will be back online some time Sunday or Monday. This is our "vacation" (I guess you can call it a vacation though we get up at the butt crack of dawn and go to bed late) that we look forward to all year long! Come Sunday, we start counting down to 2009 (well, Tristan does. He puts it on the calendar).

If you see a frazzled, but happy family of 3, say hi. If you see us snoozing in one of the panels, gently nudge us at the end when it's time to pack up and move to the next panel. If you see us on the shopping floor, kindly step aside. And, if you see me and just a string of "fan Girl" stuff comes out of my mouth when I see Lynda Barry, Eddie Campbell, CJ & Miss Mindy, James Jean, Bruce Campbell, Dave McKean, Max Brooks, Paul Reubens, Greg Spalenka, Keith Knight, Bill Siekiewicz, Kyle Baker, Uncle Forry, name a few... just smile and please don't point and laugh at me...

Where you'll find me on the shopping floor and in the panels.


lynne h said…
kelly! have a fabulous time!!! i look forward to the report when you get back...... and i wanna hear about lynda barry!!
Sandy said…
Have a great time and I can't wait to see your pages when you get home. :D
Anonymous said…
i'm so jealous! i bought her book as soon as it was released. it is fabulous!!
Jeane Frizzell said…
I keep thinking about you guys and hope you are having the best time ever!