
I'm getting ready to throw clothes in a suitcase and trek to Guadalupe's Fun Rubber Stamps in Santa Fe, New Mexico to teach this coming weekend and then on to the Scrap Shack in Friendswood, Texas (outside of Houston.) My first time teaching in Texas!

I think that most of you know that I LOVE Santa Fe and any excuse to visit New Mexico. I'm VERY excited to be teaching in Texas. I'm making plans to go to the Houston Museum of Fine Arts for the Van Gogh exhibit. The Houston MFA is one I've been wanting to visit for quite some time. I'm very excited to get to spend an entire day (or if I am lucky, two!)

A quick teaser, if all goes well, I'll be posting my April 12th through the 14th workshops at Maria's home studio in Fremont tomorrow. Here's a sneak peek:

Some quick bits of housekeeping

2019 workshops include the following (and I hope to be announcing May very soon):







20-22nd Fort Collins, CO TBA

As always, thank you for reading!
