Frida Kahlo at the New York Botanical Gardens

On June 23rd, my Mom and I made our way to the Botanical Gardens in New York for the Frida Kahlo exhibit. We spent a few hours (we could have spent all day but I had a class to teach at the Ink Pad that night and you know, New York traffic!) If you are lucky enough to go, search online for discount codes as they are available. Also, wear good walking shoes, use sunscreen and bring a bottle of water to refill. You can easily spend all day there.


My only disappointment that day (other than losing my Spock button in the gallery somewhere!) was that The Two Fridas was not actually on display. There was a very cool paper recreation by Humberto Spíndola as shown above. My conversation with one of the young staff members went like this, 
Me: "Where is painting, the Two Fridas?"
Staff: "Right there." (pointing.)
Me: "I'm looking for the actual painting."
Staff: "It's right there!" (pointing again.)
Me: "That's not a painting!"

No photos were allowed inside the gallery. If you were to step inside, you would see the following paintings by Frida (along with several of her sketches):

Self-Portrait with Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird (1940)

Flower of Life (1944)

Still Life with Parrot and Flag - by Frida Kahlo 
Still Life with Parrot and Flag (1951)

Frida Kahlo, Self Portrait
inside a Sunflower, 1954

Private collection 
Self Portrait Inside a Sunflower (1954)

Some of My Previous Posts about Frida:


RubberMoon said…
Thank you for such a wonderful share! I am so happy
I got to see this and hear all about it. Beautiful photos too.
If I could not be there in person I'm so glad I got to see it all
Through your artistic lens! xokp
J-Lin said…
Kelly, thanks for posting the piece on your trip to this beautiful exhibit. The pics you have posted are equally stunning. I had to laugh big at the experience with "the kid" and the painting question. The most stunning to me is the Frida in the Sunflower picture. I don't ever remember ( could just be an age driven forgetfulness) seeing it before. All of it very beautiful.
maxine said…
I imagine you have seen this but in case you haven't:
mandythompson said…
Wow! to see her work in person!!! I'm finally wrapping my mind around her genius, and PAIN. So much makes sense when we understand the context behind the art. And the two Frida's? The staff's response? HOW BIZARRE...
Unknown said…
Thanks for the beautiful photos and the recap of your visit. I am going to be in NY and plan to see the exhibit so my excitement is building.
Judi Delgado said…
I'm so glad you got to go and to share it with us! My daughter Katie and I were scheduled to go to it and an evening event there, but it POURED rain and I had to leave town the next day. So I appreciate seeing it through your eyes.
SandeeNC said…
I would love to have seen the exhibit, were the things on her desk actually hers or was the whole art desk a recreation? I would love to have seen her actual personal effects and paintings, but we take what we can get, eh?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks, everyone! I'm glad that you enjoyed the post.
The desk was entirely an artist's recreation.