8 November 2010 journal page
Blog Love:
"Oh, my Dear Friend, my heart was trembling as I walked into the post office, and there you were, lying in Box 237. I took you out of your envelope and read you, read you right there."-Miss Novak to Alfred
Finally! Someone else who knows and appreciates a damn GREAT film when they see it! The Shop Around The Corner is one of my most favorite films EVER, not just because it's a Lubitsch film starring Jimmy *swoon* Stewart but because my former penpal, turned husband turned me on to it (and sent it as a gift to me) in 1995. I'll always recommend a Lubitsch film but this one is near and dear to my heart. The casting is amazing and the dialogue makes you laugh and tugs at your heart strings. It's definitely my favorite Christmas film!
Judy Shea's paper towel journal
Le Divan Fumoir Bohemien
Paper Graveyard