Announcing New Online Class: Memories and Reflections

This is a "sister" class to "A Life Made By Hand", though you do not have to take ALMBH to take Memories and Reflections.

This is a work at your own pace workshop using pdf files. I am available to answer any questions, help you along, nurture, guide and be your art "you can do it" cheerleader!

You will learn-

1. Bookbinding-
You will learn two different bookbinding structures and forms (see the photos above). These books can be made in ANY size. They are the perfect structures for on the go art journaling! (Combined with a small bag of ephemera, a glue stick and a favorite pen, you're ready!) I will show you different tips, tricks and techniques for binding the books from scratch. Bookbinding tutorials come complete with PDF files! Those of you who have taken bookbinding workshops with me know that I stress FUN and EASE with bookbinding. My attitude has always been, if I can do it, you can do it!

2. Collage-
I have developed OVER 30 NEW collage prompts. These are composition/design techniques disguised as fun collage templates. Use the templates to give you an idea as to how to move your papers and images around the page. You can use handmade papers, found ephemera, junk mail, decorative/paper tape, stickers, labels, etc... whatever you have on hand! Think of these prompts as a next step to the prompts that were in A Life Made By Hand.

3. Journaling-
In addition to the bookbinding and collage techniques/demos/handouts, you will also receive a pdf file with 184 journal writing prompts. These are not your run of the mill, find on the internet type prompts! These are some of my favorite writing techniques and ideas to get you excited about working in your journal. None of the prompts relate to a specific date (for example, no Christmas prompts on December 25th) so they are prompts that everyone can enjoy and relate to! These are prompts guaranteed to get you writing. None of the prompts are dated either, but numbered, so you can go through and pick one as you work.
4. and more!-
I will walk you through not only how to bind the books, but several different tips, tricks and techniques with collage and journaling. I will give you ideas on how to create fold out pages, hidden flaps, pockets, tabs and more. I will give you ideas on how to find images and use them in your journal! I will have you keeping your eyes open for free and found art materials that are all around you!

5. What else?-
You will have access to a wealth of information! I like to make my classes accessible to everyone from beginner to advanced! I like to offer my students more than just what they think they are getting! I am a firm believer in art being accessible and available to EVERYONE. I've set up the class so that you can work at your own pace. Do a page a day, do pages over a weekend, whenever it suits you. This is a work at your own pace class (as are all of my classes)! I don't believe in taking long periods of time to create a journal page, nor do I believe that art should be stressful. All of the prompts are easy, fun and geared for all levels of artists (beginner to advanced).

I believe in hands on work! Yes, you will learn from me. Yes, you will learn from what your fellow students do. You will learn best from working in your journal, working hands on utilizing the techniques shown in this class!

What you should know-

Students can sign up at any point.

This is a work at your own pace class. Students can join the class, have full access to the class and work at their own pace at any time. None of the prompts relate to a specific date. They are labeled with numbers, not dates so that they can be done at any time.

All information on how to access the PDF files is sent usually within 24 hours (often times, less than that!). Please provide any additional information if you'd like me to use an email address other than what your paypal address is!


What you get-

184 prompts and more-one a day for six months (already on the site)

38 collage templates (turn the collage templates in different directions and you get even MORE collage templates! The possibilities are endless!)

Yes! There are TWO NEW tutorials on creating your own unique journals for the class. (What you see above in the photos is what I will show you how to make!) These are not your average run of the mill every day journals!

Tips, Tricks, Ideas, and Inspiration

Journal pages from me that you won't see anywhere else!

SIX free Collage sheets for you to download and use for personal use


Detailed Instruction-PDF files for you to download, save and print

Full access to the site! I have no plans to take this class down! :)

Access and ability to upload your own journal pages

Access to member’s journal pages (think a library of inspiration!)

Here's a previous post I wrote up about A Life Made By Hand and what I want you to get out of my workshops!

What do you need?

A Journal-OR work in the books that you will learn to make in the class

a glue stick (I like coccoina, avery, scotch-anything labeled permanent. Use what you have on hand!)

a favorite pen-mine are: Sakura gelly roll glaze, Sakura Souffle, Latte and sweets pens, Zig Vellum and Writer pens, Faber Castell Pitt Pens (brush stroke, black), Sharpie Poster Paint pens (water based), Micron pens, uniball do not need all of these! Just a pen that will write on paint and paper!

Paper ephemera-collage papers for background and focal, images

Bookbinding Supplies: Awl (I use a $2 metal clay tool), wide eyed tapestry needle, Waxed Linen Thread, Cardstock/Paper of choice (I use 140 lb wausau exact index), Matboard (or heavy cardboard, davey board, bookbinding board, etc...), Decorative/handmade paper (of your choice)

Optional: Deco/masking tape, stickers, transparencies, etc...

I emphasize NOT having to buy anything for this class but instead to USE WHAT YOU HAVE ON HAND!

Imagine a teacher at your disposal 24/7. It's like having your own private class with a group of close friends. Share. Learn. Play. Work at your own pace as you explore your life in 184 days.

No refunds after PDF files are sent.

Questions? Please email me at

In the time that it took to read this, you could have done a page or two. ;)

This workshop is now RETIRED.
If you're interested in my NEW workshops, please visit this link.
As always, thanks for your interest and support.


Mary said…
okay, I'm hooked!! Must sign up!!!
apinkdreamer said…
wow! i wish you were my teacher!!!
Viki said…
Lovin those books!
Let me pay off the dishwasher and I'll be signing up. If it's not one thing it's another. ya know?

I'm looking forward to some free time some creative free time this summer!
Anonymous said…
Oh my! I am trying to figure out why I should not take this class but all I can think of is reason why I want and need to! love the books..
jane eileen said…
Beautiful! I have held the accordion book in my own two hands when Kelly was in AZ. It is great in photos and greA+ter live. I like to tell people to get off the couch and go to Kelly's classes I have taken, but in ALMBH, I discovered you don't even have to get off the couch. I did some of mine while on the couch watching TV and some in my pjs! Fun stuff!
Connie Hammond Saunders said…
I am excited! And damn it, I'm jazzed! Looks like fun. Looking forward to making my very own journal.
margaretes said…
This looks irresistible Kelly!
Sandy said…
I AM EXCITED!!!! Even to learn to bind books. I've never done it and I'm excited. Can't wait for either one. I love your classes and this new one sounds like it's going to be great and you're offering even more for us all. Thank you Kelly.
Unknown said…
I just signed up. Been a long time fan, Kelly and I'm looking forward to some inspiration this summer!
Anonymous said…
Wow...thanks Kelly, count me in!

MarleneMAZ said…
Just signed up and am so excited for this to start!
Can you tell me where you get the paper you use from ?
Barbara Hagerty said…
Of course I'm in!!
owlwoman said…
I signed up! My granddaughter and I will work together (she is 11 but the teens are looming all too soon so I want to take the opportunity for us to do projects together.)
Rosie Rowe said…
My good friend Barbara Hagerty adores your classes and I have wanted to take a class this year, so how's that for synchronicity? Will be signing soon as I get back from work!! =D
Finally managed to get online and sign up for this1 Better late then never, right!
Linda D. said…
I just had to have this class, also. I admit I am a journal junkie and when I saw the innovative approach you took in the pictures to binding, I just had to try it. Having a great time with these classes, Kelly.