31 May 2010 journal page
Blog Love:
Not only does Julie take damn good pictures, she also speaks her mind.
Berlin's Book Forest
To Bake/Make/Cook:
Ice cream cupcakes-oh hell yeah, baby!
Films Watched:
Still taking sign ups for my new online class, Memories and Reflections. Also, I've moved my current class, A Life Made By Hand to a new site, so I am still taking sign ups for that, as I will be leaving both classes up and people can sign up at any time for my classes now. Thanks!

Not only does Julie take damn good pictures, she also speaks her mind.
Berlin's Book Forest
To Bake/Make/Cook:
Ice cream cupcakes-oh hell yeah, baby!
Films Watched:
Still taking sign ups for my new online class, Memories and Reflections. Also, I've moved my current class, A Life Made By Hand to a new site, so I am still taking sign ups for that, as I will be leaving both classes up and people can sign up at any time for my classes now. Thanks!