A WIP Background and Inspiration



Recently, I watched the documentary, BBC Michael Palin in Wyeth's World. I learned a lot and was also inspired to start the painted work that you see above. It's a work in progress and I hope to share more as it evolves. If you watch the documentary, I'm eager to hear what you think of it and if it inspires you.


Some Housekeeping:


I'm teaching another PWYCW (pay what you can workshop) on Saturday, November 5th, 2022. 

(Can't make the live session? You'll receive a recording with forever access!)

As the days get shorter and the light begins to fade, we turn towards finding whatever light we can. Like sunflowers, we try to capture the light.

In this workshop, our focus will be on capturing the essence, the feeling and the brilliance of the sunflower.

Note: while I will be demonstrating primarily with acrylic paint, you may prefer to explore other mediums (paint markers, crayons, collage, etc... More on this below.)

This workshop isn't a "recipe" workshop. It was created to get your hands working and moving across your substrate. Let's play with color, shape, form and the fundamental principles of art as we explore the beauty of the sunflower.


Registration is also now open for November's The Art Life Workshop!

What exactly is The Art Life Workshop?

  • a virtual classroom (with live and recorded sessions), library and community packed full of resources and information for artists.
  • a monthly workshop (you can choose to subscribe OR enroll on a month to month basis.)  
  • an artist's community with artists from all around the world! 


If you're interested in ANY of these art forms: 

art journaling, collage, acrylic painting, drawing, mixed media, art history and creativity, then The Art Life Workshop is for you! 


Are you looking for: 

  •  weekly painting/art making sessions
  • the framework to learn what you need to expand and improve your art skills?
  • accountability and commitment to your art practice? 
  • group mentorship and encouragement with your art practice?
  • regular engagement with artists worldwide (without ads? Where you never miss a thing?!)
  • a teacher at your disposal offering feedback, guidance, encouragement and answering your questions? 
  • ongoing, monthly creative workshops and group art making sessions
  • a reference library PACKED with information regarding a wide variety of art supplies, acrylic painting, collage, art journaling and much, much more. This is a LIVING library that is constantly being added to!   
“I dream a lot. I do more painting when I'm not painting. It's in the subconscious.” -Andrew Wyeth
