10 September 2022 Work

I've been wanting to paint a bird, so I spent some time painting this little quail. I used acrylics, brushes and a paint knife. Slowly but surely chugging along filling the pages of my painted book.
Two years ago, I would have been iffy that I could have done this. Five years ago, I wouldn't have attempted it. I wonder what my work will look like a year from now... 
What I'm trying to say is, the more you can do the work (whatever that work may be), the more you will build your skills AND your confidence. 
Don't ever think that you can't do something and don't ever listen to anyone who says that you don't have the ability to draw or paint. 
Some Housekeeping:

“It is not your paintings I like, it is your painting.”
 -Albert Camus 
