Colorful Prep Work

Lots of painting and preparing! That's what I've been doing lately.


I have not one but TWO workshops:

I'm expanding The Art Life this summer into what I call THE ART LIFE SUMMER CAMP (said in the booming voice of 1980's trailer ads.) I've been planning this for quite some time and I can't wait to get started!


$25 gets you a whole lot of inspiration, over TEN HOURS of LIVE classes/demos AND "Studio Salon Days" (aka Art Play Days!)! 


If you haven't subscribed to my youtube channel, you may want hop on over and do so and turn your notifications on. THIS FRIDAY (June 10th from noon to 1 pm PDT), I'll be doing a live demo and offering a sneak peek at my Summer Spark Friday Painting Sessions for The Art Life


SPACE IS LIMITED. (I don't have oodles of subscribers yet (as I haven't posted much there) so Youtube limits the number of live viewers. I'll have a recording up of it after if you can't make the live session.)



I've been busy passionately drawing and painting flowers. I have a new workshop I'm calling: Finding Beauty: New Lessons in Seeing, Drawing and Painting Flowers.  


If you think you can't draw or paint, this workshop is for YOU! 


If you want a refresher course or to set aside time to draw and paint, this workshop is for YOU!


There are TWO days to choose from:

Saturday, 18th June


Monday, 20th June 

(folks have asked me to do more weekday workshops!)


Whichever day you register for, classes are the same times each day. We begin with drawing at 10 a.m. until noon. Then, we take a two hour lunch break (to charge our batteries.) We reconvene at 2 pm and paint until 4 p.m. PDT. 


Space is limited.


Sign up here!


Here's to a creative week!
