A Peek Inside my Studio Journal aka my Art Planner/Diary/Sketchbook


For the last couple of years, I have done almost all of my writing in what I've been calling my Studio Journal. I use a Hard Linen Grid Journal from Detroit Shinola. My pen is a Pentel Arts Hybrid Technica .03.

(I copy and print pages from prior books that have ideas I am still exploring and store them at the back of the book. There is also a small pocket where I keep my index cards.)
I bring the journal with me everywhere. In my pocket, I carry small index cards and the Pentel pen for quick note taking. 

In the back, I added a hand drawn calendar. Since each journal lasts me about six months, I have January through June in there with an additional page with notes for July-December.
I write, draw/sketch/doodle, make notes, write down quotes, daily life happenings (always the weather, what I'm reading/watching/doing, etc...) Oh, and I'm big on lists, lots of daily lists:

I write EVERYTHING in this book. I will put down sketches for journal pages. I will later write my thoughts about what worked (or what didn't) with my art work. 

It has changed the way that I work in ways that I didn't think were possible. I am much more thoughtful my work (and life) on an overall basis.

I do not paint, collage or keep photos in it. That's a separate animal. I do, however, keep stickers, ticket stubs, and ephemera from gathered from art museums or events in there. 

I order two at a time when I buy them direct from the company. I have tried Traveler's Notebooks and other journals and this is my favorite of the bunch.

I know that many artists over the years have done the same but I got the idea after reading Jack Whitten's gem, Notes from the Woodshed. (I can't say enough about Whitten or the book!)


What about you? Do you keep anything similar? 




The subject of keeping a Studio Journal/Art Planner/Diary/Sketchbook is just one of the many things I'm going to be covering in my ongoing The Art Life Workshop. As I keep saying, I have ideas.... lots and lots of ideas to share...

