Registration Now Open: NEW FOR 2025 TAL: Building a Visual Vocabulary (A Yearlong Journey in Creativity)


 (a sample of some of the art made in 2024)


*NEW FOR 2025*


TAL: Building a Visual Vocabulary

(A Yearlong Journey in Creativity)


Art takes time, energy, and devotion.


Carve out the time your art practice deserves; carve out the time you deserve.

TAL: Building a Visual Vocabulary 


Artists have things that repeatedly call to them, things they return to again and again: color palettes, motifs, symbols, patterns, etc...


These are the things that create their personal visual vocabulary, things they use to tell their unique stories and express ideas. 


Have you given thought to what speaks to you


Are you ready to do a deep dive and explore how to discover and build your own visual vocabulary?


TAL: Building a Visual Vocabulary offers options for everyone. It's a creative smorgasbord. Part art school part old-fashioned artist salon. You choose what, when, and how you participate. Both live sessions and recordings are available. If you miss a session, no worries. Everything is work at your own pace. This means you do not have to participate in everything offered. 


Every month I offer you:

  • Live weekly painting sessions: Again, you have choices! You can paint along, or use the ideas offered to jump start your own work, or you can use the time to work with us, think: a designated weekly time devoted to your art practice
  • 2-hour visual art journaling workshop: mix and match paper, paint, and pen with new ideas demonstrated every month
  • Two 2-hour salons: gather with artists worldwide to ask questions, share ideas, and more time devoted to your art practice.
  • Weekly hand-outs: creative exercises in drawing, painting, studies, journaling, gouache, collage, art history, and more.
  • Mentoring: You'll have an art teacher who responds personally to every question and post. I'll encourage you to ask questions and think about your own work in different ways.
  • A full wealth of information in our library: recordings of previous live workshops, painting session, worksheets, and much, much more.  

“Art takes time— Monet grew his gardens before he painted them.” -Atticus


I hope you make the time. Your art deserves it. You deserve it.


Payment options:


Monthly subscription 

(live paint sessions every Friday, 2 hour art journaling workshop every month, 2 salons, full group access, and MORE!): 




Non subscriber 

 (for one month: live paint sessions every Friday, 2 hour art journaling workshop every month, 2 salons, full group access, and MORE!)





SAVE by registering six months in advance 

 (for six months: live paint sessions every Friday, 2 hour art journaling workshop every month, 2 salons, full group access, and MORE!)

$260/6 months 




An entire year of art  

(Almost $200 in savings!)

(for an entire year: live paint sessions every Friday, 2 hour art journaling workshop every month, 2 salons, full group access, and MORE!)

$475/entire year




 Also available:

ONE DAY PASS for ONE live workshop (message me with which day/subject you'd like to attend)  

No group access. You'll receive a link to the zoom workshop, the recording and workshop material from that class.



Have a question?




Should you have ANY questions (or fears) please email me at
