Un, Deux, Trois...


A couple of weeks ago I began doodling poppies in bottles. I knew that this idea would eventually become new work. (Apologies for not taking more work in progress photos but I sped along on this page and forgot.) 

I got to the point where I had painted the background, the bottle and the poppy but the work didn't feel finished. My friend, Tracey, posted a cute story about her daughter's reaction to an empty wine bottle which she had brought home from when she took my Durfort workshop. She put little twinkling lights in it. I thought that would be a great idea to add inside of my my painted bottle.

The next day, I took a nap. When I opened my eyes, I was facing my wall of Van Gogh postcards. The first thing I saw was Starry Night over the Rhone with the little dancing stars in the distance. Stars! Bottle! Twinkling lights! Off to paint I went! 

Now, I was thinking about Tracey, my Durfort Workshop Gang and our time spent there. For our local adventures in France, we split into two groups. Each driver had a designated navigator. Tracey was mine. Every time we got to a rotary, we began counting in French, "Un. Deux. Trois." I wanted writing on my page and that memory was exactly what I needed.

While in Durfort, our group also had an experience of encountering poppies in the field. I love how these two pages fit together though I hadn't planned it that way.


Journal I made using a discarded, hardcover book with  100 lb Accent Opaque card stock sized Working size (book closed) 9 3/4 x 8" (Repurposing a journal I began in January.)

Acrylics: Holbein, Sennelier, Utrecht, Charvin and Golden (heavy body)


Painting knives

Princeton Catalyst Tools

Stabilo All Aquarellable Pencils

Water Based Paint Markers (Holbein and Posca)

Looked at:

Edvard Munch

Enrique Martinez Celaya


Herman Melville's Moby Dick (I finished it. May possibly be my favorite book of all time. I'm still thinking about it and will probably be thinking about it all of my days.)
