
My first page in my latest journal. I'm working in new ways, thinking ideas out loud onto the pages. I'll share what develops along the way.

Yes, France was very much on my mind (as it has been since I came home.)

Supplies used:

Journal I made using a discarded, hardcover book with 100 lb Accent Opaque card stock sized 

Working size (book closed) 9 3/4 x 8" (Repurposing a journal I began in January.)

Acrylics: Holbein, Sennelier, Utrecht, Charvin and Golden (heavy body)


Painting knives

Princeton Catalyst Tools

Water Based Paint Markers (Holbein)

Stabilo All Aquarellable Pencils

Found papers

Coccoina glue stick


Metal ruler

Looked at:

Edvard Munch

Enrique Martinez Celaya


Vincent Van Gogh: A Life in Letters
