What's in my Art Toolbox Part Two

I use the mediums shown above to mix with the good quality acrylics (this will make them last longer in addition to changing the viscosity. Don't use them with inexpensive acrylics, save it for the good stuff to stretch your dollars.)

These are my "neutral" colors. I use these as base coats as well as sandwich layers between layers. Experimenting with color and how color is placed down is one of my favorite things to do. It brings out the mad scientist in me.

I've been playing with the Utrecht brand of acrylics a lot lately. It's definitely a great quality! 

I've recommended Blick Matte acrylics for several years now but the bottles have become more difficult for many to squeeze (they changed the plastic on them.) Not to mention, I've had a lot of problems with their yellows over the years (becoming the consistency of cottage cheese no matter how I store them, it's ONLY the yellows it happens to.) I'm experimenting with different acrylics to use in my workshops. I'm not sold on being a Golden only artist... I LOVE my Holbein and Sennelier too much...

Utrecht, Sennelier, Holbein and Golden


Pilgrim said…
Have you ever tried Paper Artsy Fresco Acrylic paint? It is wonderful. Roxanne Coble, Seth Apter and MaryBeth Shaw use these paints.
I used to love Utrecht oil colors, until I developed terrible allergies! I'm okay with Golden, but I love Liquitex, Holbein and Windsor Newton.
Kelly Kilmer said…
@Pilgrim, I haven't tried the Paper Artsy paints but I tend to reach for more heavy bodied paints than fluid. I know I could thicken them up with medium. I'd love to try them some time. I'm always up for trying something new.

@Indigene Oh no! That's terrible. I've never painted with oils. The smell bothers me plus I'm so impatient with drying time. Not to mention, not having the space to store the work (I live and work in a one bedroom apartment.)