With Gratitude...


A heartfelt thank you to those who bought journals, shared the link or popped in to see what I had available. I'll be packaging them up and sending them to their new homes very soon. Above are the books that are still available.

Also, if you ordered Coccoina glue sticks from me (thank you), they have arrived. I'll be packaging and shipping those out this week as well. I'll post to social media when they go in the mail. 


Interested in limited edition, high quality reproductions of my work? I'll be taking orders for my Dear Vincent Project (available as a unique book as well as deck of forty journal post cards) through August 23rd Noon PDT (more information available here. Catch them while you can. They will NOT be reprinted.)

Tristan and his girlfriend, Samantha, are going to be visiting us later this week. I'm knee deep trying to clean my studio (aka my corner of the living room) so postings may be light the next few days. I'll see what I can do...

Back to work!
