26 and 27th May 2016 Journal Pages
2016 is quickly coming to a close. I'm on a little mini vacation but at the same time, I can't help starting to prepare for my 2017 workshops. January is a busy month with classes in (Beverlywood) Los Angeles, San Diego, and Northern California. I'll be trekking to Florida in February. I have lots of new ideas up my sleeves that I am eager to share. Teaching art has been one of my passions for more than twenty years now and I'm hoping that 2017 brings me more opportunities to do so.

People have asked, I have a very limited number of my books (plus gifties) available. ONCE THEY ARE GONE, THEY ARE GONE... I do ship overseas as well.

I am still reading Rothko's Writings on Art and savoring gems like this one: "One does not paint for design students or historians but for human beings, and the reaction in human terms is the only thing that is really satisfactory for the artist."