20 October 2015 Journal Page

Busy week with doctor's appointments and what not. Poor David won't be poked or prodded for at least another week now as we wait for the results from the third (?) CTScan and his cardio test. Fingers crossed.

I booked plane tickets to head East next month for two weeks for my classes at The Ink Pad in New York City as well as The Queen's Ink in Savage, Maryland. I am looking forward to seeing some familiar faces as well as meeting some new ones!

I am prepping for a new workshop, Serenity Bundles, this Saturday in Fremont, CA. I am really excited about teaching it and seeing my Northern California friends. It's actually (at least) three workshops in one. At the same time, I am also prepping for a new LA workshop that I just added to the schedule that is a week from Saturday. It's also brand, spanking new and something that I've been itching to teach called Authenticity: Finding Your Voice.

Lots of busyness but it's a good busy. It keeps my heart happy (not to mention a roof over our heads and food on the table) and gives me a distraction from what's plaguing David. Thank you for all of your support.
