The Space Between

I appreciate those of you who have sent emails about my unusual lack of blogging the last few days. Late Saturday night, I had to take David to the ER. He's been in the hospital since. The doctors are not 100% sure what's wrong with him. He has blood in his bladder. The doctors are saying there's a chance it could be cancer in his kidney OR a blood clot in his kidney. They did say IF it is cancer in the kidney that it is still very early. They want to wait a few days and see how he is doing before they do anything drastic like removing his kidney. So, we're in a bit of limbo at the moment. I haven't been home to do the work that I was planning on doing (making new journals and working on my new online class) and have spent my energy focused on my husband and our son. Kind thoughts and good juju are greatly appreciated at this time.

A short note to say that I am planning on teaching my in person classes this month. Some folks have asked how they could help. If you can't take an in person or online class, or buy collage sheets or journals, if you want to spread the word about my in person or online classes, I'd greatly appreciate it. I have classes scheduled this month for Escondido, Mar Vista and Arizona. Thanks again for any help or kind thougths. Everything is truly appreciated. 


Mikki said…
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, Kelly. Sending love, light, healing and hugs your way!
Barb said…
Very sorry to hear that David is in the hospital. Take care of yourself and stay strong.
Debbie said…
Kelly, I'm sending good healing energy to David...and to you & Tristan, too. I hope the docs figure out what's wrong & he's back home again soon. {{{hugs}}}
Kelly, I am sending love, hugs, and many healing thoughts to you and David and Tristan.
martha brown said…
I've been following the story on Facebook, Take care of yourself too!
splendeurcaisse said…
Sending Light and Healing Energy.
Nanci said…
Kelly, hope it is not serious and David gets better soon. Sending good healing vibbes your way.
Anonymous said…
Dear Kelly
Wishing you and your family a swift resolution of this challenge.
iN the meantime, sending you a load of hugs and murmurings of
Anonymous said…
I've just been catching up on David's and your journey into the medical system on Facebook. You both are in my thoughts and prayers.
Anonymous said…
Have you and your family in my thoughts and prayers......missy from the bayou
Christy said…
Holding you and David in love and light. May he be well soon!
Kelly -- I have been traveling and didn't see this -- I am so sorry to hear. My thoughts are with you and your family. I hope David is much better very soon.
tgarrett said…
Sending you loving energy dear one- thoughts are with you.