30 August 2014 Journal Page

I just added another event to my November schedule. I'm not teaching but I will be selling my handmade journals as well as working in my journal at the Book Arts LA Holiday Sale on Saturday, November 29th from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. I have not sold my work in person at a show for many years now so, if you're interested, catch me while you can. I will also be selling my journals online very, very soon (between the week of Thanksgiving and the first week of December is my goal.)

My class this Sunday in Torrance is a go! I hope to see you there.

Blog Love:
Gate A-4 (best thing I've read on the internet this week)
I ordered two new (to me) magazines this week: FABA (collage) and Mabel Magazine. No new Flow yet. 


Marylinn Kelly said…
I didn't know about either of those magazines, thank you. xo
Anonymous said…
Thank you for GateA4....is was so heartwarming ....
Missy from the bayou