5 August 2014 Journal Page

Home from a great weekend in Niles. BIG thank you to Maria and all of the Gang (you know who you are) for a wonderful weekend. I hope that you all had a great time and enjoyed all of the new classes. I always love teaching there. 

I forgot to write that I mailed off all of my decks of cards and journal books on October 3rd. I'm hearing good things from lots of you. I just wanted to say a very big thanks to everyone who ordered, looked at or passed along the information. It is all very much appreciated. I am sold out of the decks of cards at the moment. I have a very small handful of books available, still. I am taking email addresses if anyone is interested in ordering a journal deck, please let me know. If I can reach the small minimum order, I can put another order in.

A Bit of Housekeeping:
My last two classes of October are this weekend. I'm teaching two collage classes this weekend! On Saturday, I'll be at Banana Rose in Westlake Village teaching Pieces of Me and on Sunday, I'll be at Book Arts LA teaching  Painting with Paper: Advanced Collage for Everyone. I hope to see you there!


lynne h said…
kelly, i LOVE the cards!

splendeurcaisse said…
Loving the cards and book!