4 April 2013 Journal Pages

I know it's not always easy. Trust me. I know. I really do. Putting pen to paper can be quite difficult especially if you're fretting and stressed over what you think needs to be profound writing. I taught my popular Journal This class the other day and some of the students were worried about a variety of things. I thought I'd link to two posts I wrote last year about writing in your art journal in the hopes that they may help others as well.

 Ideas and Prompts for Writing in your Art Journal
More Thoughts on Keeping an Art Journal 

Your writing doesn't have to be profound. It doesn't have to be boring (today I went to work, came home, hate my job, etc...) It just has to be you. Let your voice come out onto the page. Don't worry about what so and so is doing or what someone will think. Your journal is for you and no one else.

Another busy week lined up. Last week was full of film adventures. This week is busy with work. I'm teaching at an ad agency on Wednesday and I'm really looking forward to that new adventure!

Summer is rapidly approaching and I have a long To Do List. I'm super excited about my classes that are coming up. I'm teaching my NEW and revised version of my popular Triptych book this Sunday at Word Is Art Gallery in Culver City. It's my first time teaching there and I'm really looking forward to it. I also have a few other new classes coming up this month including a special two day class. You can find out more about my classes here

Next month I'm trekking to Northern CA (those classes are starting to fill up! Don't wait too long if you're interested in signing up!) as well as heading East to The Ink Pad in New York City and a new store (for me), Kept Creations in Whitman, MA. Art Unraveled is in August as well as Art Is You in September. 

Happy Trails!
