2004-2008 Collaged and Painted Pages

Here I am sharing some older pages again. It's always interesting to look back and see how your work evolves and changes. I get irritated with folks who say they know everything when it comes to art making. No they don't. As an artist you're always changing and evolving. There's always something new to learn, make and see. That's how I try to approach my work with each page asking, "What can I try to do now that I haven't done before?" or "How can I make this different?"

Don't forget I'm having a contest to win a copy of Seth's new book, The Pulse of Mixed Media. You can enter here.

My posts will be short and sweet the next few days as it's going to be a very busy (but fun!) weekend.

Speaking of classes, I've added a NEW STORE in Westlake Village to my list of teaching venues! I'll be teaching my Beautiful Life journal on May 12th from 11:30-3:30 at Banana Rose. They have a facebook page here. I'm VERY excited about it as I've been looking for a new venue in that area for some time now! They'll have info up on their site soon.


Sandy said…
Love seeing your older pages.
I really enjoy your blog and your work.
Lori Wostl said…
This may be too long for a comment. I have been thinking that if one is not pushing against something they haven't been able to do, and just repeating the same thing - it isn't art - its production. Production is good. Trees are productive, look at all the beautiful leaves...but is it art? Thanks for making me think in shorthand.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Lori, there's a BIG difference between NOT being able to do something and NOT WANTING to do something.

Collage alone DOES push me and I am far from exploring everything that I have wanted to do with it.

I never felt like I was repeating the same thing with collage where after 10 years of painting, I did.
Kelly Kilmer said…
Plus, folks ask that about a lot of things, "Is it art?" I have always thought that if the intent is there, your heart is in it, you've given your all, you can call it what you want and that includes art. ;)
Cheryl said…
I want to thank you for posting photos of old journal pages. For some reason my Muse dried up this year. But I'm working on her.