The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed by Seth Apter

My blog readers know that I'm a book nut (I know that I'm not alone in that department!) I've been eagerly waiting to get my hands on a copy of Seth's first book, The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed. When Seth asked if I would be a part of the book blog hop, I about jumped out of my seat at the chance to showcase such a fabulous book!

The Pulse of Mixed Media is one of the best and most unusual books that you can get your hands on right now. Not only is it chock full of yummy eye candy, but Seth has managed to get down to the nitty gritty with over 100 artists asking the questions that as an artist intrigue me the most. Seth asked about the whys of making art not the hows. This is not a how to book, it's something better, much, much better.

The Pulse of Mixed Media will start a fire inside of you. It will get you thinking not only about why you like the art and artists that you do but why you, as an artist, create and what makes you tick. The prompts are perfect for those who keep an art journal as well! It's a book that will inspire you to dive deep and ask the tough questions. Kudos and thanks, Seth!

Seth has asked us to answer three questions from the book. Here's what I chose:

What is one current trend that you wish would go away?

I wish that the trend of art journaling having to be perfect, finished pieces of art would disappear. With the myriad of books and magazines geared towards art journaling on the market these days, many folks (especially beginners) think that whenever they crack open their art journal that the pages they are creating have to be finished, perfect pieces of art, ready to hang on the wall and show the world. They're spending too much time stressing over perfection when art journaling should be about opening yourself up to the experience and getting messy with it.

Dan Eldon once said, "It's the journey, not the destination." Art journaling is about experimenting, documenting, reveling, revealing, and experiencing. It's about saying what if and finding our way as artists. It's about the good, the bad and the ugly. It should be all about creating pages in your own unique voice and style and not caring about what anyone else thinks of it. As long as you are open and honest on your pages, then it's all good even on the worst of days when it comes to art journaling.

Is creativity built-in, learned, or both?

I have said for a long time that I think that everyone is an artist. Every person on this planet is capable of creating something in a way that is truly unique to them. It doesn't have to be paint, paper, fabric, sculpture or jewelry. Some folks are amazing with food, writing, computers, how they dress, garden, work with others, solve problems, etc... Creativity is about expressing yourself with the tools you have at hand and making your own voice heard even if you are the only one listening.

Do you create art to work through inner issues, or is studio time more of
a distraction to keep you from facing your problems?

I've never considered myself a crafter (it's not a word I really like at all. I actually wince when I hear people call me that.) To me, art is the equivalent of breathing, I have to do it. If a day goes by and I haven't worked in my journal then I get very antsy and, um, rather bitchy.

I use my journal to work through a myriad of issues, thoughts and problems. I dialogue with myself on the pages of my books to not only brainstorm a new idea that I may have, but also to react to the world around me. My journal is my safe place to work out my thoughts and feelings about what's spinning around in my brain and what's happening around me.

Please join The Pulse Blog Hop and see what some of the other artists have to say here:

April 2 Rice Freeman-Zachery
April 3 Stephanie Lee
April 4 Ali Edwards
April 5 Ro Bruhn
April 6 Roben-Marie Smith
April 7 Nancy Lefko
April 8 Me!
April 9 Trudi Sissons
April 10 Melody Nunez
April 11 Dina Wakley
April 12 Stephanie Hilvitz

Seth's blog, The Altered Page is here.

Would you like to win a copy of The Pulse of Mixed Media: Secrets and Passions of 100 Artists Revealed? Leave a comment below before 12:01 a.m. on April 14th and later that day, I will randomly pick a winner.


Madeleine said…
Being a 'book nut' , I know all about that, I'm also one (and a 'magazine nut' as well come to think of it..)Love to see the insides of Seth Apters' book (so.. perhaps I'm lucky and win it...)Rgrds, Madeleine
I agree, Kelly, that art journaling is about the's funny, but I used to wonder why my pages would "turn out" differently, not what I thought at the beginning...but then I realized it was because I let my journaling be what it was meant to be...for expression of what I was at that time and what I was thinking, feeling, needing to express or release... Thank you for the Giveaway! I would LOVE to win this book by Seth.
Lori Wostl said…
I'm leaving a comment because I love your blog and this is the time of year that I love to celebrate connections and beginnings. I am not in the race for the book, because - I already have it!!!yay me! Happy Day!
Jan said…
Kelly, I really appreciate how you speak against "the perfect journal page". With so many beautiful journal pages out there, it is sometimes disheartening when they can't be "replicated" - which is exactly NOT what we should be doing. Thank you for the reminder. And thank you for the opportunity to win this book!
Sharon said…
I have followed Seth for many years and have another book he wrote with and about artists, called Pulse. When I bought it, he made sure to tell me that it was text ONLY! I didn't care. I love that book and would love to have a copy of his new one also. Thanx for the chance Kelly.
Sharon said…
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Emie58 said…
Would LOVE a chance to win this book!!!!
Thanks, Emie
Melva said…
Hello there, I have just popped over to your blog from Seths. I am so pleased I did. I have added your blog to my favourites now. I so love the way you explain about journalling & not getting stressed out about it. Thankyou for saying this as it will help me to relax more in my work. I will try not to expect everything to be perfect. Not that it is!!!!!!
Kay said…
Kelly, just found you from Seth's blog. That book looks fabulous! My birthday is the 14th of hint hint..I would be very happy to get it!
I thought it interesting that you mentioned the wincing at the "crafter" word. I have never considered my self a crafter. For years in art schools and fine arts magazines the term has been used to describe an artisan of crafts and the line was pretty easy to see. With this days journaling, scrapbooking, mixed media..the term gets into a gray area sometimes uncomfortably close to fine artist. I was describing my mixed media on paper work to someone the other day and they said" oh crafts", I was taken aback..was I being made fun of? Or is it now a "good" term in relation to types of fine art that include technique other than painting? The war of words continues. I was trying really hard not to trot out my art degrees and argue that the fact I use embossing powder on waterbased paints and inks does not make me a crafter!!! But really why should I care? As long as I am doing what I want..I guess the niches I find myself placed should not matter. But the discomfort comes from years of art school indoctrination..yet what do I expect since I am using glitter? Have a great day..nice to meet you..sorry to go on like I did!
Cathy said…
Your blog is lovely!!!! Can't wait to look at all your wonderful prompts and encouraging words about art journaling!
Oh, and I'd LOVe Love LOVE to win a copy of the book!!! :)
Gill said…
This looks such a great book! I would love to win a copy!
Anonymous said…
"it's the journey not the destination"

... I'm enjoying this Pulse circuit though, stopping off to read these blogs on this fascinating archipelago.

best wishes,

angiew in england
cookievf said…
I have known seth for several years and have admired his art AND the thought-provoking ideas and concepts his interviews have generated via The Pulse! Thank you for sharing your insight and participating with him in the blog hop ~ as i know this great review will surely get more & more folks interested in his EXCITING NEW BOOK! (and maybe i'll be lucky & win your drawing!) - vicki xo
Elizabeth Jane said…
It's so nice to hear that journal pages don't have to be perfect. When I first started, I felt like my pages needed to be award winning & "finished".
Cheryl said…
I agree with you that having perfect pages should go away, but I think we've had this conversation before. Thanks for saying it in the book. I'm so glad you're in it.
Unknown said…
Kelly I was so pleased to hear you speak of creativity. YES everybody is creative. I cringe when I hear many (sadly there are many out there) who claim that not everybody is creative. This is the grade 5 art teacher who squelches every grain of creativity in a child by criticizing their artwork to dust. I think that anyone who claims that not everybody is creative has their claim hanging on a hinge labelled j-u-d-g-e-m-e-n-t and that is so wrong. So thank you for putting the positive and truthful vibe out into the universe that YES everyone is creative. I think that words have weight and they might not seem to go anywhere but they do. The words sit sometimes but then they start to sink. They sink in to the deeper levels of comprehension and belief systems. Sunk deep enough over time, one can begin to believe that one is in fact, creative. So I like your words a lot. *smiles* Norma
p.s. I've dreamed for some time of writing a book kind of airy-fairy about how a person can intuit the creative inner process of problem solving. I believe that problem solving is one of the most creative things one can do and that they have the answer to problems within. They just need to access the within part. My imagined book would make the process fun and magical. Gosh I sound a bit flaky today but who's judging? Not me! Ciao!
Adriane said…
Sounds like a cool book, Kelly! I've found that there have been such few books that are really inspiring coming out of the pipeline these days, so I'll def have to check Seth's book out. :)
I don't really journal, but I keep a monthly (very non-artistic) calender. I'm trying to get better with it, but it's hard to write much in one square inch of space. I guess that's why I like it.

I also believe everyone can be creative. I had to LEARN to be creative, but it has finally taken shape, after many years of not-so-good mixed media art. I now appreciate where I started and where I am headed. Thanks for your words. They hit home. Congrats on being part of this phenomenal book.
Anonymous said…
I hope I win a copy ... I really want this book! Thanks for a chance!
Lynn Cohen said…
fun meeting you here...I too agree the journal is a place to just do and let be...if someone else likes it, that's cream on the cake!
I totally agree about 'perfect pages'. A journal should be something where you can record personal experimentation and thoughts with no pressure for finished product. T hanks for the opportunity to win a wonderful book! Love your work!
Sarah said…
Well yes I would! I have held off buying it yet, though I know I will, as there are just too many unread books in this place at the moment! It sounds like such an interesting read though so I must have it soon!
So, "book nut" is the word that applies to my condition.... good to know :-D
Would love to welcome this book into my collection!
Cheers, Angelika
Marylinn Kelly said…
So glad you were included in the blog hop - your blog is a go-to destination for information on so many things...books, washi tape, pens, glue. I could go on and on. Am of very like mind on your answers to the questions you picked. xo
Jenny said…
What a juicy blog. I agree with you about the perfect journal pages. I think the most wonderful pieces are those that are honest, whatever that might look like. Seeing mistakes and imperfections shows something deeper!
elle said…
I'm agreeing with you. How refreshing to just make because you are beginning, learning, working through something or... It is a journey. Thanks
Kate Burroughs said…
Boy, this book has been reviewed everywhere. Thanks for a chance to win a copy of the book.
Aloha, Kate
I am familiar with your work, but just found your blog today via The Altered Page.

Thanks so much for a chance to win this inspiring book.

donna joy said…
Amen-my journals all look different depending on what went on that year. some are more pretty, some have mostly writing and allot of paint and others just "are." It's all about the process.
Bev said…
hi Kelly wow its such fun following and finding such wonderful artists , Seth sure has led me to quite a few lol

hugz bev
daisy69778 said…
Hey Kelly! Pick me pick me!
Thanks for the chance!
BrendaLynn0 on twitter
MoonRae said…
This is so wonderful!! Thank you for sharing yourself and art with all of us
GalleryJuana said…
Glad to have found your amazing journals and blog through Seth's book hop.

And I agree that art has many variations of expression.
Robert said…
Your answers to the three questions you selected from The Pulse of Mixed Media are thought provoking, and timely. In an era when so much focus seems to be placed on the 'perfect' nature of the end product (the finished piece of art), your answers to the questions seem to focus much more on the art process ("It's the journey, not the destination."), and on the importance of experiencing, and learning, rather than on trying to create the 'perfect work of art'. I think that understanding this simple concept is the beginning of learning to be truly creative. Thank you for expressing it so clearly!
clcdark said…
Looks like a lot of fun!! Thanks for the chance to win!
Carrie said…
Please don't jump through the screen and hurt me, but...

Is everyone creative? I would say yes and no. I think everyone begins that way as a child and thier unique take on everything. But - I firmly believe creativity is a 'use it or loose it' skill. But, that's also not to say that should the skill be neglected that it can't be 'revived.'

Here from Seths blog, and your newest GFC follower!
Marit said…
I've been coming to your blog from time to time for a few years now (they call that a 'lurker' isn't it?) I love your art and your view on art, journaling and - well - the world! You're answers to Seth's questions are approximately the same as I gave them... HA, we think alike. Love that!
Fallingladies said…
Glad i found your blog through seth... And thanks for the chance to win!
I'd love to win Seth's book and also love peeking into the creativity and inner thoughts of other artists! This book seems to be a must read for all of us!!
Renee said…
Thanks for the permission not to be perfect. I have my journal waiting to be used and keep hesitating since I didn't want to mess it up with things that aren't "perfect". It seems to be a life long problem for me. Again, I appreciate your comments and hope they can motivate me to get on with it.
Kathryn said…
Let's hear it for freedom and lack of perfection! As always, good to read your thoughtful comments.
Carol said…
I have already read Seth's book, cover to cover, and keep going back for more. Love your honesty.
Kathryn Dyche said…
Loved your responses to those questions, especially the part about things not having to be perfect. I've really loved Seth's book, so many amazing artists and so much inspiration.
Linda said…
This book looks so interesting...thanks for the chance to win one!
Bill said…
I love Dan Eldon's work. It was nice to see a quote by him.
I am so glad that Seth led me to your blog---it's truly inspirational! Wonderful insight into your process, which will help me with mine. Thanks!
valerie said…
I don't really care what people call me or themselves (artist, crafter, doodler) as long as they are willing to sit beside me and create from their heart and mind. I have followed your blog for years and taken several of your wonderful workshops, always a joyful experience. I also won a handmade journal from you as a prize in a drawing, it is a favorite in my collection. Thanks for a chance to win this wonderful book. I have been following each artists, it was fun to actually know one (you) personally.
LynnAZ said…
I love your answers, Kelly. I also believe and find myself telling people all the time that everyone is/can be creative.

I'm excited about Seth's book and would love to win a copy. Thanks for this chance, and thanks for all you do! I enjoy checking in to your blog and all your online classes!
lizzie said…
great answers!
Barbara I. said…
I have been following your work for quite awhile and love it! Congrats on being part of Seth's book. That is awesome. When I started doing scrapbooks years ago I felt paralyzed sometimes because I didn't want to "make a mistake." I was new to designing pages instead of just adding photos into plastic sleeves. I went to a crop one day and something someone said has stuck with me all these years. After realizing that I was literally afraid to "make a mistake" on my page she said, "Just do it! It's not going to hang in a museum you know." That freed me up not to worry about the process but to enjoy the process and realize that there was no right or wrong way of doing it. That is what I bring to my art journaling pages now. I love creating them and know that I can always fix something on my page that I might not like. . .just cover it up with paper, gesso, ephemera etc. It's all good! Would LOVE to win a copy of Seth's book. Should I be the lucky one. . .my contact info is Thanks SO much Kelly!
Nancy Lynn said…
Love your blog, love your journals, love your classes. Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful book.
trish quilty said…
Hi Kelly
As you know I do follow your art journies. I too feel the same way about "the crafter label" I am an artist and a writer. I would love to sin this book..Seth is amazing to share all the conversations of the artists with us.
Antares Cryptos said…
Please do not enter me.
This is in response to your recent posts.

Appreciate your thoughts on this. These type of books should be viewed as inspiration for people to start a visual journal not to feel intimidated by them.

I tried to encourage people in a recent post. It is unfortunate that people believe that they have to have artistic skill to write in or create a journal.
Karen Provost said…
The words "artist"and "crafter" hold a lot of power. There are as many opinions on these two words as there are people who like to create.
Would love to win a copy of Seth Apter's book!
Karen Provost said…
The words "artist"and "crafter" hold a lot of power. There are as many opinions on these two words as there are people who like to create.
Would love to win a copy of Seth Apter's book!
Kelly, Had such a good time looking at your blog. Love the Nov 2011 post on what's in your journal bag. Appreciated seeing the list of pens, etc. you use. Beautiful, expressive journals.
Christy said…
I'd love a chance to win Seth's book! Love your blog!
Rusted Wings said…
your blog is lovely...and i'd so like a chance to win seth's book!!
jo said…
Besides being an inspiration I also get the gut feeling you are a pretty nice person, as well. How's that for a" suck up?" No. Seriously, I am looking forward to seeing Seth's book no matter what. Thanks.
Taylor schapiro said…
Oh yes please I would love to win. Thanks Kelly for the possibility.xxoo
Jo Murray said…
You are so generous with tips and info Kelly, when do you find time to make your beautiful journals?
Anonymous said…
Thanks Kelly for the giveaway! I would love to have Seth's new book.

Also, I wanted to say that I love how your "new" painted pages are turning out. I've been a reader for some time now and often wondered what your pages would look like with a little paint. I remember you mentioning paint a while back (Nova maybe)...I cannot remember the exact brand. Again thank you for all you do.

nikieast (at) gmail (dot) com
Loved your answer about art journaling. I've stopped picking up those glossy magazines that tell you how to create beautiful art journal pieces. It was too much pressure!
kimstoys at gmail dot com
uncertainvoyage said…
I'm enjoying reading your blog.
I agree with you about 'perfect' art journal pages.
I'd love a chance to win Seth's book.
I am so behind in my blog reading. I popped over here from Dina's blog. Congrats on the book. I am so excited to check it out!! Hope to catch up with you some time this year!! xo
Thanks for your stance on the process of art and creative work, rather than the overemphasis on the product. I really appreciate your generous spirit and your willingness to share your own process and development with all of us.
Kelly Lock said…
Kelly, I'm an avid reader of your blog, but I don't post much. I love the Art Journal "book" I bought from you because I believe, like you, that the idea of a perfect journal is not conducive to the purpose. As a writing teacher, I can't imagine making my kids have a perfected journal. I believe in the process of art and writing, in discovering yourself through the process. For me, all art and all writing and the combination of both is about exploring who you are as a person, and that is what is perfect about the process!
Sandy said…
Loved your comments. Thanks for the contest.
Mallie said…
I would love this book, I could add it to all my Howard Zinn you too.
Mouseybrat said…
This book looks awesome!
lindjoy said…
Love your work re "pages" from your sketchbooks etc.
Awesome book give-away, too!
Cat said…
I don't know what I've been waiting for...of course I would love to win a copy of this book!! I loved this post--I am a firm believer of the "use it or lose it" school of thought but that rule applies to EVERYTHING not just creativity. I believe anyone can be taught to draw (or paint or journal, whatever). Will they achieve the same level as someone born with what I call the artistic gene? Maybe... but it will certainly come at a higher price---hard work and practice, practice, practice!! Then again, I imagine even artistic geniuses practice. If you want to be creative then create, read, learn, copy others, whatever it takes!!! I say it is a conscious decision. My work may never (OK will never) hang in the Louvre but do I care?! It's the end result which first drew me to art journaling/collage but now it is the process of creating that soothes this "savage beast"!!
Hwee said…
Congratulations on being featured in the book. It looks like a wonderful resource for mixed media artists.
trish quilty said…
Hi Kelly:
I did so enjoy your interview with Seth. I would LOVE to win his book.
Janet P. said…
Love your blog, Kelly! It's the first thing I log on to each and every day!!! Love, Janet
eli said…
I love so much your blog and your art Kelly! and I would be so happy to get inspiration from this book! Thanks so much for the chance!!
Hagit said…
Looks like a great book! I enjoy your blog, both for your pages and for your thoughts, which is also why I enjoyed this posting, and really like the idea behind this book. I love reading and thinking about the artistic process, almost as much as I love art! :)