Thank You!!!!!!!

*Thank you*
Above is the finished inside cover of my new journal. I haven't had as much time as I want to to work in it but I really am enjoying the process.
My new online class, Revel in the Moment, should be up and live tomorrow (a day early! Yay!) I won't be closing sign-ups at all so you can sign up and participate at your own leisure.
I'm a busy bee. The next thing on my To Do list is to prep for my Westford, MA classes. I'm really looking forward to teaching at Ink About It. Unfortunately my Whitman, MA classes were canceled. I am very thankful to be teaching at Ink About It.
I'm also working hard at trying to get my Jan-March schedule up and on the blog. I have fingers crossed that I can get it up onto the blog before Friday.
So in between all of these things, I'm also trying to take time to make home cooked meals, relax with my family, watch episodes of Jack Benny (I love Jack Benny), read, journal and reflecting upon 2011 and what a year it's been.
How are you slowing down and reflecting upon the past year? What are you looking forward to doing in the New Year?