New Journal Cover December 2011
David, Tristan and I ran over to Dark Delicacies in Burbank today to meet director John Landis. He was there to sign his new book, Monsters in the Movies. Landis was really cool and took the time to talk with each fan individually. I have to see if I can sneak a peek at the book as David has probably already wrapped it up in plastic and put it on one of his bursting at the seams bookshelves.
I keep typing 2012 at the same time I'm trying to slow down and enjoy the rest of 2011 while I still can!
Above is my latest journal cover. I showed you a teaser picture yesterday. It is not acrylic paint on the cover that you see. It's a combination of gouache and water soluble crayons. To say I'm having fun with it is an understatement. Wait until you see the pages inside the journal and what they do (I haven't worked on any of them yet but I am excited with the layout and construction of this journal.) I haven't worked in anything like this before (that I can remember) and I've made hundreds of journals!
One quick reminder, I am teaching in Massachusetts the last weekend of December. If you are interested in any of my Whitman, MA workshops, you need to sign up before this Tuesday night at midnight PST (20 December 2011) or else the workshops there will be canceled.
My workshops at Ink About It are a go and I am very much looking forward to teaching there. I adore that store and it's always so good to see familiar faces and to meet new ones as well! More info on the workshops can be found here.
I am hoping to have my Jan-March workshops for 2012 listed before I leave. I'm still waiting for dates from one store so that's why I've been hesitant to post them. I would rather list them in one big swoop. Thanks for being so patient.
Remember with this holiday season to try to slow down and revel in the moment. It gets crazy this time of year and it's always the little things later on that we cherish and remember the most.

One quick reminder, I am teaching in Massachusetts the last weekend of December. If you are interested in any of my Whitman, MA workshops, you need to sign up before this Tuesday night at midnight PST (20 December 2011) or else the workshops there will be canceled.
My workshops at Ink About It are a go and I am very much looking forward to teaching there. I adore that store and it's always so good to see familiar faces and to meet new ones as well! More info on the workshops can be found here.
I am hoping to have my Jan-March workshops for 2012 listed before I leave. I'm still waiting for dates from one store so that's why I've been hesitant to post them. I would rather list them in one big swoop. Thanks for being so patient.
Remember with this holiday season to try to slow down and revel in the moment. It gets crazy this time of year and it's always the little things later on that we cherish and remember the most.
As far as going to Buffalo, I'm always open to teaching in new places. It's getting harder and harder for me to find new venues but if there's a demand, I'll pack my bags and trek anywhere! I love traveling and teaching. :)