26 September 2011 Journal page
Hambly is having a great sale on transparencies. I've been running low for classes so this was perfect timing on their part.
I've been keeping my nose deep in this book the last few days. I'm almost done with it and it's almost impossible to put down.
The new Dan Eldon book is finally available on Amazon!
New Lynda Barry soon, too!
Blog Love:
Twin Peaks Party!
Sparkplug Books will continue
Shelley Kommers: Artists Who Blog
Behind the Scenes Artist's Studios
We Love Mail Snail Mail Competition
Has anyone seen this magazine? I'd love to buy one but it's very expensive. They have a facebook page, too.
I love this post on Matisse.
Eric Drooker has new posters available to download (free). Pass them on if you're so inclined.
I love your journals, but can't go to workshops or afford online classes. I looked on You Tube but didn't find anything from you. Do you have a simple tutorial for how you do your basic journals? Thanks!
I'm in a small town with no other art journalers that I can find, so looking forward to time with some in your class. Maybe someone will live (kinda sorta) near me.
Neat mag. Maybe B&N will have it...