14 September 2010 journal page
Have spent the week working my derriere off on my Pen Work class that debuts this Saturday at Zinnia. Can you tell that I'm super excited about it?!?!?! Working on a new class means buckling down, stirring the soup pot of ideas and picking out only the finest and most ripest things to share with my students. *Rubs hands together*
Blog Love:
Top 10 Bookstores in the U.S. (I disagree with a certain store being on this list. I have my own list of stores that I love to shop at in Los Angeles here. I am working on compiling a list of favorite bookstores beyond L.A. that we have visited and cherish.) Do you have a favorite in your city?
Here's a list of the Top 10 Comic Book/Graphic Novel Stores. (Really?!?! The store is on THIS list too? You've got to be kidding me...That said, I totally agree with Comic Relief and Floating World being on this list. Quimby's is a Mecca that I will someday visit. Meltdown and House of Secrets are great stores, as is Golden Apple Comics).
Speaking of books, I really really want this book. It's on my wishlist.
Carrie Strine's NYC home
A study of butterflies and moths
Thinking of signing up for this class...
Recycled Studio Love
A Visual Delight
(I'm on a mission tonight -- I have 34 unread posts of yours to read!)