8 June 2010 journal page

Blog Love:
Velvet Morning Collages
Eye popping, head spinning color
Roseann's pages are always inspiring, and jaw dropping

Yumminess to Make:

Still taking sign ups for Memories and Reflections! The class starts July 1st. Be prepared to be INSPIRED! Be prepared to LEARN! Be prepared to MAKE JOURNAL PAGES! Be prepared to MAKE BOOKS! Be prepared to HAVE FUN!


Jeanne Nelson said…
Your pages are so inspiring ~~ I look forward to seeing them daily, ;). TY for the comment, Kelly! Happy Creating!
GoodchefT said…
I got hooked on simple syrup at the Japanese Curry House restaurant.
Trader Joes also sells a bottle of simple syrup for cheap if you don't want to make a fun sugary mess in your kitchen.
sharon (spike) said…
thanks SO much for the shout-out on my "un-soda" post, kelly! omg! 17 hits from the link, and the day is just getting started! i SO hope you all try this easy recipe for a much better-for-you and yummy beverage! enjoy!
Taylor schapiro said…
I missing a lot of good posts here Kelly. I will have a lot of catching up to do.