May 13 2010 journal page

I've been working hard to get my new board set up for A Life Made By Hand. It's all done now (yay!) It's much more user friendly and easier to navigate then the ning site. It'll take a couple of days but I am transferring all of the members over to the new site (slowly but surely). The good thing is, I will be keeping the class open permanently and taking new memberships here. It's a work at your own pace class and it's up to you whether or not you actively participate. I'll have a brand spanking new online workshop listed very soon!

Blog Love:
Mail Art Love
Artists to Watch: Michelle Moode
So much color!
Amanda Blake
Masters: Collage is one of the BEST books I've picked up in a long time. I'm not the only one to think so!

Films Watched:
Night of the Comet


donna!ee said…
you amaze me! ;)
Sandy said…
Great page and links of course. I can't wait to see what new class you have.
Queen Bee said…