February 10, 2010 journal page

Several people have inquired about my online class, A Life Made By Hand. I am not closing the class. You can sign up at any point. There are over 200 prompts on the site. 181 journal prompts and 25 collage prompts. The class goes from January 1st through June 30th. Nothing is labeled with any specific date so you can pick and choose the prompts at your own leisure. You can work at your own pace, as well. I have decided to keep the class up past June 30th. So, if you join the class you will have full access to the board and the videos, pdf files, pictures, collage sheets and more that are on the site. You can click the paypal button on the top right side of this blog page or go here for more info.

Also, I added some photo albums to the right side of the page. I'll be adding more over the next few weeks. I already had the Bloom and Swatches books up there. Yesterday I added Rejuvenations, Mystique and Spirit Journal. More to come, slowly but surely!

Two quick blog shout outs-

Journal Girl

A Little Imagination and a Pile of Junk

Yay! My issue of Uppercase came yesterday. If I could only ever recommend one magazine, this would be it. It is a MUST have.


Desert Mermaid said…
I'm here to 'give a witness' -- Kelly, your A Life Made By Hand class is classic. My utter love for collage has been upgraded by multiples, and I really think using your templates has created a sort of -- rhythm -- I'm slowly creating several of my own. Having that sort of balanced foundation to a layout rather than the sort of spontaenous backgrounds I previously did summons up a different part of my artist's eye. For anyone considering this class -- RUN DON'T WALK TO SIGN UP. One of the particular aspects of inspiration is creating a special time to view the work of the other participants ... I relish that to the point I can't express how valuable it's become to me. I tried, initially, to comment on every photo but had to relinquish that, as it's a) impossible to keep up, and b) impossible to continue to express in a meaningful way when every piece deserves such a response. You know, I loved your journal prompt class and still use those background techniques. What you do so marvelously is weave your classes together in such a way that each compliments and builds upon the other. It gives your students ... a repertoire!
Seth said…
Thanks once again for the links!
Sandy said…
I love all the journals you added. What fun it would be to sit down and look through all of them. Someone should do a display in an art gallery somewhere. Oh and ditto to what Desert Mermaid said. I plan to work on my APAD pages tonight and I'm going to get back to the ALMBH prompts this week. I'm hoping to keep journaling, it's helping me so much.