A dateless journal page...

I hate when I forget to put a date on a journal page.

Below is my first video! I've made five videos so far for my new, A Life Made By Hand class. This is just a test video of my pen case I've been toting around. My friend, Irene, was showing me her bags that she carries. She uses Eagle Creek's Pack It Cubes. So, I hit the Container store and bought a small one for my pens and a big shoe size one for all of my collage crap (not all but the special stuff I toted around). Please be gentle! It's my first video!!
(Huge thanks to David and Tristan for all of their help. Tristan shot the video!)


Taylor schapiro said…
Kelly,The video was good. You sure can pack a lot in that case. Happy travels.
Sharon said…
Thanx for the great info on the pens! I am a pen & tape freek!! I am now going to watch again to get where you bought the tape you showed. Excellent video, thanx again. Sharon
Lindart said…
The video was very informative - looking forward to more!
You were talking about the white Souffle pen? That writes in matte. I have a set of these pens in 10 pastel colors including B & W - they must come in other colors too. They dry matte and slightly raised. I love them!
jane eileen said…
Jeane's mom said...
The video is great, Everyone. It looks like it was done in a filming studio, not by a 7th grader. I watched in on Facebook. Amazing.
Deb's Artful Journey said…
Great job to you both on the video! Tristan kept a real steady handy... no awkwards shakes!! It was fun to watch... thank you!

Happy Holidays,

Debbie L
Bren Graham Thebeau said…
Great video Kelly, appreciated the pen tips and the container savvy. One thing you mentioned abut the glaze gelly roll pens only coming in a couple of colours, I have a whole set of the glaze in a variety of colours got them on JetPens. Maybe I misunderstood your comment but thought I'd share the info anyway.
Viki said…
nevermind, now it is working.
Don't try to download, just play on your page.
Aly B said…
What a great first video, I wish I could get that organized with all my supplies =)
Ruth said…
Great job for your first video! I'm going to check out those containers!
Anonymous said…
I love this page, as I do all of your pages! How do you do the henna and stuff like that on your hands in your journals? Is that freehand or stamps, stencils? Is this something you are going to teach us in the class? :-D
Anonymous said…
Kelly - great video and great camera work by Tristan. Everything was very clear. Would have been nice at the end to have him zoom out so we could see your sweet smiling face. Libby
Kelly Kilmer said…
Lindart and Bren-

I have a whole post on pens here.


Souffle are matte. Glaze are gloss. There really is no difference in the look of the gloss and matte WHITE pen. When both pens write and dry, they look identical to me.

What I meant and what I've said before is that I wish they came in MORE colors. There are about 16 colors in glaze and 10 in souffle. When Sakura makes a zillion pens, why can't they come out with more colors in the glaze and souffle?

Similar pens, but in a smaller size and smaller tips are the lattes and sweet pens-similar kind of ink. Again, I wish they came in more colors.

A few years ago I went to the Sakura booth and asked when they would come out with more colors of glaze and souffle pens and they said "You mean our 24 or so colors aren't enough?" I wanted to say "Obviously you have no clue about pen freaks."
Anonymous said…
Great video Kelly, Thank you. You have given lots of information on the pens you use, but seeing it while you tell about it makes a huge difference!
Paula said…
Kudos to you and Tristan! You both did an awesome job. I know I've read posts by you on this topic, but it was so neat to actually see you hold the pens that you were talking about!
marianne said…
Most excellent job Kelly and Tristan!I always get a kick out of hearing the voice of a blogger I have followed for the first time.
Yours is very pleasant to listen to :)..thanks for all the info..still amazed at home much you could fit into those bags!
Lori W. said…
Another pen freak checking in - thanks, thanks, thanks! And happy solstice!
Sandy said…
Great page, video and I love that case too. Good job Tristan.
Gill M said…
Thanks for the informative video, I found the content and the filming great, but the lighting could have been a little better. It seemed that you were casting a shadow over what you were showing us so it made it somewhat hard to see. Hope this helps for future videos:)
Yolanda said…
Thanks for the info on the pens. I really got some good tips from you. Tristen did a great job too..!!! I'll be taking your class in January, can't wait. Happy Trails to You. !!
Seth said…
Great video Kelly and Tristan! I learned a lot about the choices of pens. Pretty amazing how much you fit into such a small space!
Joyce said…
Video was fabulous. Iove the Container Store. I'll be looking for those cases the next time I go.
Nan said…
The video came out great! Only problem was seeing the very cool latte pens from jet pens. And the sparkle signos and....Agh!
lisa_crofts said…
great video
Unknown said…
Wow, Tristan did a fabulous job. Very professional! You guys make a great team and I look forward to seeing the whole series.