more Reclaimed journal pages
Here's a few more journal pages.

Thank you all for your interest in my online classes! I'm VERY excited about this new venture!!!
There's still space to sign up if you're interested! Class starts January 1st.
Tristan and I trekked out to Zinnia in So Pasadena today and bought several Stampington publications:
Art Journaling
Somerset In Love
Somerset Life
the new Jan/Feb 2009 Somerset Studio
*Phew* I'll be set for a few days ;) I haven't even had a chance to open them yet! I LOVE new magazines and books or as one of my art buddies called it "Art porn". LOL TOTAL eye candy. YUM.
Yes, I will be posting through the holidays!! I wish everyone the most wonderful holiday season!
OH! Check out this cool site that my friend Terry Garrett sent me:
David Fullarton
I just ordered his book (thanks Terry for making me SPEND money. Hee hee! I can't wait!!)

There's still space to sign up if you're interested! Class starts January 1st.
Tristan and I trekked out to Zinnia in So Pasadena today and bought several Stampington publications:
Art Journaling
Somerset In Love
Somerset Life
the new Jan/Feb 2009 Somerset Studio
*Phew* I'll be set for a few days ;) I haven't even had a chance to open them yet! I LOVE new magazines and books or as one of my art buddies called it "Art porn". LOL TOTAL eye candy. YUM.
Yes, I will be posting through the holidays!! I wish everyone the most wonderful holiday season!
OH! Check out this cool site that my friend Terry Garrett sent me:
David Fullarton
I just ordered his book (thanks Terry for making me SPEND money. Hee hee! I can't wait!!)
I end up going to Borders in Torrance and they don't always carry the issues.
Does anyone have any recommendations in the South Bay area to buy at other than Borders?
Hope to see you in the pages of Art Journaling in the future!
Warm regards,
Jenny :)
I haven't seen the Art Journaling magazine yet and I was at Barnes and Noble with all of their Stampington goodness. I saw some Jan. issues. Maybe it will be there soon. If not I'll have to request they put it out. More people should know what art journaling is all about in my neck of the woods. It's much cheaper than therapy that's for sure. ;D
And I agree I can't wait to see you published in the magazine.
Terry-Thanks for letting me know about the book! I will post about it when it arrives ;)
Tasha & Sandy-
The magazines are fresh out of the box. The bookstores don't have them yet..probably after New Years. This time of year everyone is so slow to get their magazines out it is frustrating..*except* the Mom and Pops. They're smart and put them right out!! You will LOVE the new magazines. They are amazing. I am slowly trying to savor them all and not rush through them like I some times do. I flipped through STUFFED a few times last night but haven't read it yet. I am holding off on the journaling til last as it looks amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jenny-Thanks for stopping by. I was asked to be in the new journaling magazine but unfortunately it was in August which is my craziest month (I am home for about a week in August and the rest of the time I am teaching and traveling). I am hoping to submit something in the future as the magazine looks amazing. I am trying to hold off on even looking-let alone reading that one *yet* as I am saving the best for last...Though Stuffed is just too amazing. I am loving that one and I have only flipped through it LOL!!!
BTW, I HEART David Fullarton and he is one of the features of our current issue of Portals!!