Holy Heavens Batman, it's raining...

Brace yourselves, Southern Californians, it's a "rain event". My dances to the rain gods have appealed to them and they have bequeathed to us RAIN. We are very happy to report rain, lightning and thunder. Here's what the skies in West Hollywood looked like yesterday at 9 a.m.
What does it look like now? I don't know as I'm in my pjs and too lazy to go look. Actually, my back is really bothering me today so I'm trying to take it easy a little.
I love this chocolate that my friend Connie sent me for my birthday:
Hubby didn't find it funny when I popped one strategically on my tongue, opened my mouth and went ahhhhh... Tristan thought it was hysterical. That's my boy!
Speaking of my boy a.k.a. Clone Trooper turned Comic Book Guy. Here he is at school yesterday in his "costume". He went as a Comic Con attendee complete with Clone Wars mask, free poster tube, Nickelodeon slap on, Watchmen bag and Comic Con Attendee badge with pins.
I showed you a sneak peek before, but here's more. This is my "Reclaimed: An Altered Artist's Book" class sample that I have been working for. YES! A NEW altered book class, but one I guarantee you will LOVE and adore and will leave you itching to run to the library book sales (or use the books you've been hoarding at home).My friend, Kara, carved the rubber stamp that I used on the page below:Kara also made me the envelope that I stuck the birdie sticker onto that is at the bottom of this page:
I am spending the weekend prepping for my classes next week in Arizona and Colorado. On Wednesday, Nov 5th, I will be at Frenzy Stamper in Scottsdale. On Friday the 7th through Sunday the 9th, I will be at The Artist's Nook in Bellvue, CO. I posted some samples online here. Interested? Please sign up at the store asap. Know anyone who may be interested? Please spread the word!

In the meantime, have a wonderful Dia de Los Muertos!


Kara said…
Hey, love the book! Who knew what a cool stamp that was...I want it back! This is a class I'll definitely take!

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