This weekend...

What I've been wanting to work on, my Reclaimed: An Altered Book class. I am loving this book and what I have in store for it!What I've been doing instead...making collage bags/ephemera packs. I love going through my papers but this is a LOT of work. It takes about 10 hours to assemble these. I still have a few left if you're interested! I won't be doing this again soon!
A small example of what may be in your bag:*****
Tristan said that I embarrassed him the other day. Ralphs had my favorite tomato bisque soup on sale for a $1 a can. Um, so I bought every single can that the store had in stock-all 20 of them. I thought about asking for a rain check for more, but decided I'd be good. I can always go back next week and get a rain check then. I had to explain to him that, yes, I spent $20 on 20 cans of soup but that I saved $20 at the same time. This is one of my favorite things to make for dinner during Fall and Winter nights. Add some bread and veggies and you've got a great meal. Also, I make the soup using milk instead of water. Yum.
I thought I'd show you what's on the other side of same shelf. My other addiction, but this one is a year round one, Tazo Black Tea. Iced. Starbucks had the iced tea on sale for $3 a box. Um, I kinda stocked up on it.
I love David Sedaris.

I'm eager to see this book. She's got a blog, too! Comics Reporter has an interview with her here.
Go look. Now. Seriously. Here, too.


Anonymous said…

Sorry you didn't make it up to SW in Danville,I was looking forward to the class...will you be coming up this wasy any time soon?
Kelly Kilmer said…
Hi Gaylynne,

Sorry!! Email me at EGorey99 (at) sbcglobal (dot) net if you want.
I'm hoping to plan some dates for Jan...
Sandy said…
Wow Kelly I love that book you're working on, it's great.

I love your paper packs but can't get one now. I'd have to wait, I'm shopped out with the fair and this weekend. I can vouch for your paper packs though, they are stuffed full of paper. I still have paper from my last pack and it's all paper that I certainly can't get in my area and that I'd never seen here in Louisiana.

So if any of you are hesitating, don't. Get a pack now. It is well worth it, you won't be sorry. I wish I could order another one, that's how much I loved the last pack.

Thanks for the links too Kelly. I bookmarked them.
Anonymous said…
omg...I LOVE the tomato bisque (and amke it with milk too)...i put extra sharp cheddar in the bowl and pour the hot soup over it!

are you teaching that altered book as a class?? ohhhh I am SO there!!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks Sandy for the endorsement ;)

Yes, Stephanie, this will be a class :)

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