Journal pages from last night:

This page (the bird one) isn't done's a sneak peek:
I only have a few pages left in this book and I am SO done with it. LOL!!! I am itching to work in a new journal. Working in different sized and shaped journals really does push me. This one was one of the hardest being "landscape" and long in size. I'm ready to work in a new book!!


I will be announcing details (cost and all that) of my book publication as soon as possible. My mock copy is done and now I need to get it copied, cut and then I will bind it. I appreciate whole heartedly all of your interest :) Thank you guys so much!!! I'm touched that people are interested :) It's hard putting your work out there and wondering "does anyone care? Is there an interest?" So it's cool to hear people speaking up and saying "yes" :) Means a lot. :)


This weekend, I have two new classes:

Sat 7th Private Home in Thousand Oaks workshop What Next?- open to public (please email Kelly to sign up) (If you like the looks of my journal pages from Jan-present of this year, you will LOVE this class!! It's collage AND mixed media a.k.a. PAINTING techniques). See a selection of samples




Sun 8th Stampin from the Heart LA The Storyteller 310 391 0466 (please phone the store to sign up. ) Sample here.


What Next You’ve made your journal, your altered book, your artist’s book. In fact, you’ve probably made more the one. You’ve got the gusto, now get the inspiration, the ideas and new techniques you’ve been craving for. In this workshop, we will spend the class working hands on IN the pages of your book. You will learn new mixed media techniques (yup, we’ll cover it all-all NEW ideas!!) that will have you reaching for your paint brush or glue stick on a regular basis! You will need a journal or several sheets of heavy cardstock for this class! Supply list- Students should, please, bring to class: Journal (see description), Scissors, bone folder, cork backed metal ruler, 3 1" bristle brushes to paint and glue with, container to hold water, small selection of collage ephemera to use, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels. Questions? Please email Kelly

The Storyteller (Sample here) What is a journal but a teller of a story-your story? In this workshop, we will make a unique artist’s book. Page by page, we will start to “Tell” your story weaving layers of acrylic mediums, collage ephemera and the written word. Accompanying this workshop will be a handout full of new ideas and exercises guaranteed to bring any story teller out and onto the page. Supply list- Students should, please, bring to class: Scissors, bone folder, cork backed metal ruler, 3 1" bristle brushes to paint and glue with, container to hold water, small selection of collage ephemera to use, roll of waxed paper, roll of paper towels. Questions? Please email Kelly


For those of you in CA, remember tomorrow is VOTING DAY. PLEASE get out and Vote on the propositions!!! Please vote NO on 98.


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