Some more pages (done last night while watching PBS) from that book I've been working in:

not anywheres near done but here's some more doodling. The damn duck just cracks me up.
Oh yeah, doodles done with Sharpie Poster Paint (waterbased pens), some weird white chalk marker I had (I can't remember the name brand it was thick-it made the tree and took forever to dry), Sakura Gelly Roll Glaze & Souffle pens.

see what happens when you let a 10 year old loose with a camera? i love these pictures...

Just in case I can't update the blog from Comic are some things to keep you busy from my bookmarks:

Illustration Friday even is talking about Comic Con!

David Choong Lee-Oh frigging A! Lee is going to be at Comic Con. For those of you who don't know his work, RUN RUN RUN. Do NOT walk. Get thee to an online site and scope out his work. I've seen copies of some of the books he is in at Soap Plant/Wacko in L.A. if that helps. I LOVE his work.

Egg Basket Full of Hollyhock Dolls


Jesse Reno

Oh Joy!

Illustration ::

freedomwigMartha Rich

Daily Dolan Geiman

Treats & Treasures

On My Desk: Creative folk share the stuff on their desks

Penelope Illustration

Penelope's links will keep you busy forever

Mosaic Maker: Create a photo mosaic from your digital photographs

Funny Cartoon Of The Week: Kyle Baker

Flickr: Photos from Christina Romeo

Etsy :: Heather91Etsy ::

Textile Art, Paintings, & Illustrations........

Type is Art : An Interactive Exploration of the Typographic Form

Frédéric Back, caring together

Mike Perry

Midwestisbest - information on

Smitten Kitchen

Mary Heebner • artist books, paintings, mixed media works on paper

christina mazzalupo


Eloole ›› Welcome to My Website

Fwis • Readymech Series 002

Katherine Dunn

Dancing Elephant Studio

Gina & Matt

Gianpaolo Pagni

Pasqualina Azzarello
-Little Red Studio

More Pasqualina Azzarello

Draw anyway

Stone Balancer

Niki Kelce

Julien Pacaud


Sweet Petunia said…
I love how you share your products and process.
PennyBlue said…
Love the pages and LOVE the duck! Almost as funny as the 10 year old!
HappyDayArt! said…
OMG! You are crazy with all these links. I love swallowfield too! I have to go check the others out now. Where do you get the time?


Those teeth crack me up! He looks so happy.