NEW: Inner Dialogue: The Power of Hidden Words in our Painted Work Workshop Saturday 22 March 2025 11 AM to 2 PM PDT


 Inner Dialogue: The Power of Hidden Words in our Painted Work
Saturday 22 March 2025 
11 AM to 2 PM PDT

SALE PRICE through NOON PDT 3/16/25:  $60 

Regular price $75






Images, colors, patterns can speak volumes for us when we allow them to. Our focus in this retreat style workshop is to explore how we can create visually impactful narratives with little, no, or hidden text.

Combine images, color palettes, and expressive marks that speak directly to you with hidden text to create pages that sing and sing loud.


This work will feed, encourage, and inspire new work. 

It's not about finishing, but discovering, asking questions, and being open to possibility.


Supplies needed: 


  • journal or substrate (surface) of choice
  • a handful of your favorite paint colors (I'm using acrylics)
  • Two or three of your favorite brushes in different sizes/shapes, favorite painting tools, paper towels/rags, plus water in your water bucket
  • a couple of your favorite mark making tools (paint markers, pencils, etc...)
  • collage material, adhesive of choice, dry rag/paper towels, something to glue on, metal ruler/scissors

(I'll send a list of the specifics I use so you have it upon registration. Use what YOU have.)

**Disclaimer: I do not work for or represent any company or brand. The views I share on my favorite tools and brands are from more than 25 years of working hands on with acrylic paints and mixed media supplies. No one pays me to sell their wares nor do I receive any free product. I only recommend what I love and use.


Can't make the live workshop?*

The main part of my workshops are always recorded. Please note: for those who are camera shy, during the main part of the workshop I am pinned and students are muted (but, encouraged to unmute and ask questions!) Additionally, before and after the session, there is time for students to ask questions, share, and engage with each other and me, WHILE NOT BEING RECORDED.


You'll receive a special link and an extensive class handout within 2 days after the workshop ends.


 You'll also have access to me should you have any questions AFTER the workshop ends.


Remember, enrollment for the live workshop is limited to the first 20 registrants. 


 I like to keep the group small so everyone has time to ask questions and share.


Questions? Please email Kelly at

How do I sign up?

SALE PRICE through NOON PDT 3/16/25:  $60 

Regular price $75

