Pull Up a Chair


Throughout the month of May in The Art Life: Find Your Way Workshop, we are working in a series. We paint live every Friday, but we have other weekend sessions for art journaling, salon meetings, etc... I love our art community. 

Why paint or work in a series?

I really like doing deep dives into specific subjects, color palettes, etc... It's also really nice not to have to think about what I want to work on. I have my subject ready, so, the focus is on the how and not the what.

This could apply to any medium, not only acrylic painting.

I've been drawing daily, mostly quick sketches. I spent most of today painting, which was nice. I'm trying to loosen up my brush strokes, so for today, I stuck with two colors: Titanium White, Payne's Grey and one large brush. I'll add other colors to my palette later in the series.

I'm starting to teach a new, monthly art journaling class tomorrow. As I gather my collage material, I'm trying to decide what I want to use. I may tear up one of today's small paintings and rework it into an art journaling page. 

When I began thinking about this series, I was torn between a folding chair and scissors. I am thinking that I'll visit scissors again down the road. I keep a handwritten of some of my favorite themes taped to my easel.

What are some of your favorite subjects or themes to explore? 

What about your favorite substrate? Paper is always my first love. I also like a nice wooden panel. I'm always a journal girl at heart. 

Let me know what you're working on this weekend.
