Introducing TAL: Find Your Way 2024


(some of the journals/work created in TAL: Painting by the Season 2023)

TAL: Find Your Way 2024


The best journeys are taken with others.




Because having a community of artists encourages you to show up for yourself and your art work on a regular basis. 


(some of the journals/work created in TAL: Painting by the Season 2023)

My goals are not to teach you to paint like me. 


With TAL: Find Your Way, I want you to:


·practice with your tools till the skills become second nature, instilling in you the confidence every artist needs
·learn how to build an ongoing practice that works for you
·surround you with a community that will cheer you on, and encourage you to move forward in your art making
·have access to a growing library of resources and materials that are available to you 24/7
·Walk with a companion artist: artists learn from each other! Accompanying us on our journey will be a rotating selection of artists from the past
I will share all I know about art-making focusing on acrylic painting, art journaling, collage, journaling, mixed media, mixed in with a bit of art history and art philosophy!


(one of my palette pages that becomes an art journal, painting, collage ephemera, a sketch surface, and more. Create piles of these every month!)


Each month brings something new in TAL: Find Your Path. You will experience a new series of hands-on exercises, foundational art building blocks, lessons and ways of creative thinking from artists throughout history.


You will gain confidence, mentorship, and support. 


Fill your creative well with the abundance of material already in TAL! 


(Every Friday we have live weekly sessions. ALL of my teaching sessions are available live and as recordings in case you miss a session or want a refresher.)


Interested in painting? There are weekly live PAINT/CREATE TOGETHER sessions. Work alongside with us OR feel free to use the time to work on a personal project. 


Each month is full of 

lessons, sessions, deep dives, and tutorials:


1. four to five NEW paintings (one every week) LIVE* every Friday 11 AM PST

2. four to five NEW sketches (one every week)

3. art journal page: collage + paint: a 2 hour LIVE* workshop very second Saturday!

4. weekly handouts to generate ideas, keep you inspired, and creatively engaged.

5. pages of journaling

6. painted palette papers

7. build a color study notebook

8. salons-form a community with artists worldwide LIVE* TWICE a month

9. set designated creative time aside on a regular basis

10. walk with a companion artist: discover how artists from the past solved problems and pushed forward

11. monthly mentorship (have an art instructor regularly answering your questions and giving constructive feedback)

and more... 


*LIVE workshops/painting sessions are recorded. Salons are not recorded (but notes are taken on material/ideas/things that may be of interest to other artists and shared within the group.) Usually salons are first and last Sunday.  Workshop dates are subject to an occasional change.


TAL: Find your Way 2024 Sample art journal page for January 2024

Create pages in both paper AND paint (yes, you can paint! I'll show you how!)


Dip in and out of a wealth of material, taking what you need!


Build a body of work


New material every week that will inspire and stimulate your creative spirit! 


 (create sketches with a wide variety of tools)

Drawing Practice (yes, you can)


Painting (Discover the A-Z of acrylics: Backgrounds to original paintings, and more!)




Art should be accessible, so I'm keeping prices affordable so you can take just one lesson (which pays for itself) or pack them in!


I've packed each month's session with the resources you need to build, inspire, encourage, and nurture your own unique creative practice.


 (some of the textures from our 2023 painting sessions)

There is something for everyone.



Payment options:




ONE DAY PASS for ONE live workshop (message me with which day/subject you'd like to attend)





Monthly subscription (live paint sessions every Friday, 2 hour art journaling workshop every month, 2 salons, full group access, and MORE!): 




Non subscriber (for one month: live paint sessions every Friday, 2 hour art journaling workshop every month, 2 salons, full group access, and MORE!)




Six months in advance (for six months: live paint sessions every Friday, 2 hour art journaling workshop every month, 2 salons, full group access, and MORE!)

$260/6 months 


An entire year of art (for an entire year: live paint sessions every Friday, 2 hour art journaling workshop every month, 2 salons, full group access, and MORE!)

$475/entire year










Should you have ANY questions (or fears) please email me at 


Your art friends are waiting for you.


I love your art!
Kelly Kilmer said…
Thanks so much, Cathy. :)