On the Road: What I'm Reading


Greetings from Northern California! I'm on an impromptu road trip with my son, my mom and their two dogs (Mom's dog, Maxie and Tristan's dog, Merci.) We are on the tail end of the trip, slowly heading back to LA (trying to avoid the storm as much as we can. California friends, I hope you are staying safe.)

I'll have some posts about the trip to share this week.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share a, "what I'm reading now" post as I haven't done that in some time.

Most of our trip was spent either on the road or in a national or state park. I thought that bringing an Edgar Payne book was appropriate. I also visited the Fechin House in Taos, so I brought the drawing book with me. 

I brought art supplies (even a portable easel) with me hoping to create from the road but I've been driving so much, we would get in for too late for me to do anything but fall into bed. I took notes on several ideas I had, gathering my inspiration via note taking and photos to translate into sketches and paintings when I'm home. 

I haven't seen my mom since February 2020, so it has been a nice trip. I met her sweet dog, Maxie. Spending time with Tristan and Merci is always one of my favorite things to do. 

I'm off to bed. We visited Yosemite today for the first time and it was quite a full day. Even in the rain and with an overcast sky, Yosemite was a sight to behold. I'm going to peek through my Edgar Payne book before my head hits the pillow.


A quick reminder that I'm teaching a Pay What You Can (PWYC) workshop this Saturday, The Painted Desert. It's not too late if you'd like to join us. I'm full of fresh inspiration to share from my travels.
