Joie de vivre Now available as a recording

Joie de vivre

Embrace the beauty that surrounds you. 

Using your favorite personal images, full color, text, mark making, image creating and more, find the joie de vivre in the pages of your journal. Spend two hours creating a luscious collaged, painted and layered background that is richly and uniquely your own. 

Techniques include:
  • Collage (YOU choose your images! It makes the experience more unique and personal)
  • Acrylic painting (backgrounds, image making and more. YOU choose your own colors and tools though I will share what I am using and explain why.)
  • Journaling 
  • Pen work, etc.... 



What supplies will I need?
  • Journal (or substrate of choice)
  • Collage* material plus adhesive, rag, something to glue on. (*Images can be of ANYTHING: your own drawings, people, animals, personal photos, inanimate objects, etc... does NOT have to be people.)
  • paint (acrylics), brushes/palette knives, favorite painting tools, paper towels/rags, plus water in your water bucket
  • Favorite mixed media tools: paint markers, pencils, water soluble crayons, etc... I used what I have, you use what YOU have. (I will send you a specific supply list of what I used upon registration. Again, I want you to use what YOU already have.)
This workshop is now RETIRED.
If you're interested in my NEW workshops, please visit this link.
As always, thanks for your interest and support.

