Recent Student Work Created in The Art Life: Painting by the Season Workshop March 2023


Some of our Art Life members graciously gave me permission to share their work with you here. The subject was Painting Your Studio. I really love how truly unique each one is and how the work reflects the artist:  


Jessica Hartwell

Christina Malm




Nathalie Alvarez


Tracey Kazimir-Cree


A very big thank you again to the above artists not only for what they bring to our community but also being willing to share some of their work here with you.


Every month in The Art Life: Painting by the Season we have several different live sessions. People can dip in and out, choosing what they want to participate in. The live sessions include: 

  • a weekly one hour live painting workshop with a new subject every week (recent subjects include a bee, nest with eggs, a dishtowel, etc... Upcoming sessions include rain, the sea, cherry blossoms/blossoming trees, a swan, etc...)
  • at least two 2 hour salons every month
  • and a two hour live workshop
(everything except the salon is recorded) 
